


Focused 1.6 brings a couple new features including subtasks, new widgets, improved list layouts and a quick navigation on macOS if the sidebar is hidden.


Subtasks are pretty straight forward: You can add a checklist of items to each tasks, and – optionally – once all of the are done, the task is marked completed.

Subtasks and notes are automatically shown in the today list, to give you the context you need to complete them (and where you hopefully don’t have too many tasks in the list), but are hidden in all project lists, where you have potentially a lot of tasks.

The coloured background are now optional, giving the lists a much cleaner look. Instead tasks have gained a small project icon, and icon to indicate repeating tasks, and – unless in the today list – and icon to indicate subtasks.

And if the sidebar is hidden, a new quick navigation drop down is shown in the titlebar, allowing you to switch between views without showing and re-hiding the sidebar.


The widgets also received the new task layout in their large and extra large versions, while the medium and small version keep their single line layout to fit a least a few tasks.

Additionally there are now three new widgets, one to open and view specific projects, the new task widget got buttons for each project and there’s one widget to show you your daily progress on your home screen – this widget reflects the new Focused section in the app’s sidebar.

You can download Focused for iOS, macOS and visionOS here: