Focused 1.6




  • You can now add subtasks to your tasks
  • Option to automatically complete tasks on completing all subtasks


  • Option to show/hide anytime tasks in today widget
  • Shows notes in large and extra large widgets
  • Added a widget to quickly open today/planned/later/archive
  • Added a widget to quickly open projects
  • Added a widget to show specifically anytime tasks


  • Added Open Project Intent
  • Added intents to open today/next/later/archive
  • Properly localised all intents


  • Updated main list design
  • Dropped sort order in archive
  • Anytime Tasks are now called Next Tasks
  • Option to hide the coloured task background
  • Option to keep the compact sidebar always displayed
  • Added an icon indicating repeating tasks in lists
  • Improved animations in lists


  • Progress lock-screen widget now counts archived tasks too
  • CMD+N new task is now also context sensitive