- Changed CMD+Shift+N to new window
- CMD+T shortcut for a new tab [macOS]
- Shows the filter area in the window title [macOS]
- Swapped the filter list and search tasks shortcuts
- Weekday header in month view [iPhone]
- You can see a list of the unlocked features in the subscription status view
- Shows project and priority icons on tasks, if in a custom section
- Immediately show update task note in today view
- Task goals on tags are now correctly applied to task in projects or areas that have this tag assigned
- When creating a new task in a custom section in today, the sections project or area is correctly assigned
- No longer removes a task from its custom section, if dropping on another section while custom sections are hidden
- Fixed dropping tasks on lists in other windows (including empty lists)
- Fixed filtering for focus area after switching lists
- Fixed day name translations
- Added This Evening to section menu in today
- You can now set the focus to different areas in different windows
- Recurring tasks were sometimes scheduled one day too far in the future
- Fixed reordering areas in sidebar and corresponding task order in today
- No longer asks for confirmation when completing a section without unfinished tasks
- When viewing a tag, task from projects, areas, groups with this tag are now also shown
- Fixed moving sections to other areas/projects
- Fixed moving sections to No Project
- Improved tag filtering in lists
Custom Sections
- You can now group tasks within projects and areas
- Sorting by custom sections can be enabled or disabled in the the sort menu
Edit View Shortcuts
- Esc/CMD+. to close the edit view
- CTRL+1/2/3/4 to set priority from high to low
- CTRL+T to set the date to Today
- CTRL+N to set to Next
- CTRL+A to set to Anytime
- CTRL+L to set to Later
- CTRL+P to set to Planned
- CTRL++/- to move the task one day forward or back
- CMD+Option+1/2/3/4 to change the list order
- CMD+Option+5 to toggle custom sections
- You can now add notes to projects, areas and tags
- You can now assign tags to projects and areas
- Projects can now be completed and archived
- Added haptic feedback when moving tasks in a list [iOS]
- Enter in the title field now saves the task on iOS too [iOS]
- Adjusted section headers in lists
- Updated sidebar layout
- Fixed tag deletion confirmation dialog
- Fixed menubar item not showing [macOS]
- Counts anytime tasks in today widget
- Anytime tasks can now be toggled on/off in the day view too
- Archived tasks toggle works in the day view too
- Improved drop highlights in lists
- New Task in inbox no longer has a default date
- Improved timer ticking animation
- Compact sidebar hides collapsed areas [iOS]
- Fixed window toolbar when sidebar is collapsed [macOS]
- Anytime Tasks toggle for calendar directly in the view menu
- Added Open Area and Open Tag intents
- Increased font size for the smaller fonts
- Fixed navigation menu in compact mode [macOS]
- Fixed overdue count in sidebar and widget
- Issue creating new saved timers
- Layout issue on edit timer view [iOS]
- Added CMD+F shortcut to search tasks
- Added CMD+Shift+F shortcut the filter the current list
- Improved drop indicator in lists
- Support for reordering in compact sidebar
- Properly applies tag, when dropping text in list
- Correctly highlights tasks when dropping a tag or project on it
- Nicer empty state in tag picker, when there are no tags added yet
- Show projects in area in correct order in compact sidebar
- Fixed updating the number of tasks and progress in the quick access widget
- Increased Inoreader tags & searches limit to 100
- Disabled toolbar hiding in article view inline web mode, to fix some site’s layout
- Possible fix for updating article list after mark all read
- Finds favicons faster after adding new feeds
- Fixed a possible crash
- Minor Wallabag API changes
- Handles different display currencies in transactions
- Fixed an issue unlocking widgets
- Fixed for currency and split resetting on launch
- Fixed project titles in calendar
- Add setting for the maximum number of title lines in today view
- When filtering for a tag, it now also shows task with subtags of this tag assigned
- Improved week layout on large devices
- Section headers now also use relative dates
- Month view highlights workdays now
- Minor list view layout refinements
- Added options to hide the task icons in lists
- Added option to control the number of tags shown in lists
- Now using a custom date picker when editing tasks
- The calendar is now highlighting the selected workdays
- Improved drop targets for moving tasks in lists
- When selecting a tag to filter, and there’s no overlap with already filtering tags, keep the newly selected tag filter selected
- Focusing on an area now filters the calendar view as well
- Fixed Defer Evening Tasks not appearing in defer menu
- Improved layout when using coloured task backgrounds
- Fixed an issue where the set workdays were not respected when cleaning up
- All Overview Stats are available as widget
- Latest transactions are available as widget
- Control Center Widgets for Overview and Transactions
- Added additional languages
- Improved app translations
- Future transactions is now enabled by default
- Added Log File in Settings > About
- Improved refresh in overview
- Shows refund in overview (if any on this day)
- If future transactions is disabled, still shows today’s transactions up to now
- Fixed issue with pull to refresh in overview
- You can swipe left/right in the timer detail view [iOS]
- Fixed unlocking pro in some regions
- Fixed adding new saved timers