The second feature update of the year. Some overdue features, that have been on my todo list for too long, but with those out of the way, next up will be proper per-feed settings and advanced saved searches.
Also this is the first update where all new code is Swift, and even a few of the existing parts were re-written in Swift. By now it should be stable enough to actually work with it. 😉
The article notifications have gotten a bunch of new features. They can now be grouped by feed in the notification center, include preview images, you can long press them to get a full preview of the article (thanks to the native rendering), and they have mark read/mark starred/quick share options directly from the notification center (or Apple Watch).
There is also a new option to show a notification for a random article every couple of hours. I like to use this to remind me about articles in my somewhat neglected read later queue.

Notifications are only going to get more interesting once proper per-feed settings are available.
iCloud Changes
I’ve removed the ability to have multiple, separate, iCloud based feed and read later accounts. You can now only have one iCloud Feed account and one iCloud Read Later account. This removes the need to “import” the accounts on other devices, because I’ve seen many people having problems with iCloud based accounts because of this.
Additionally, I’ve removed the iCloud based settings backup, in favour of a simple backup file for your settings, which also includes per-feed settings now. You can still save it to iCloud Drive, but you can have multiple versions, and do everything with it, that you can do with files. I love the flexibility of regular files.
These changes took me the longest time – and they aren’t exiting in any way, but at least they’re finally done.
Other Changes
- Other smaller changes include OPML/HTML List import and export for all accounts, not just local and iCloud based ones.
- New options for sorting articles in the article list, including by title.
- Clearer options which elements of the article should be shared.
You can find the full changelog here: