Keyboard shortcuts changes
- Updated keyboard shortcuts to automatically show contents (3 Pane mode only)
- Toggle [M]ark read / [S]tarred shortcuts are again single key shortcuts
- Reenabled [J] and [K] for next/previous article
- ⌘1, ⌘2, ⌘3 for starred/unread/all article filters
- ⌘4, ⌘5 for oldest first / newest first
- ⌘⌥1, ⌘⌥2, ⌘⌥3 for article view modes
- ⌘⌥↑, ⌘⌥↓ for marking above / below as read
- [V] to open open current article in browser
- ⌘B to toggle Bionic Reading
- ⌘⇧D to toggle sidebar
- ⌘T to tag item
- ⌘⌫ delete item
- Rename tags in iCloud and local feed accounts
- Added click action setting for feeds and folders list [macOS]
- Expert setting to completely hide counts in feeds and folders list
- Expert setting to open links in alternative browsers (Chrome, Brave, Firefox)
- Expert setting to disable delete article confirmation
- You can delete a “feed” from read later service to remove all articles of this domain
- Updated keyboard shortcuts to automatically show contents (3 Pane mode only)
- Improved keyboard shortcuts
- “Delete Theme” in context menu in theme selection list
- Read indicator is now tappable to toggle the read status
- Opens accounts from menubar in new window [macOS]
- Edit options in feed list now displayed inline in context menu [macOS]
- Pull up to mark all read are now separate options for the feed and article list
- “Delete Theme” in context menu in theme selection list [macOS]
- Read indicator is now clickable to toggle the read status [macOS]
- Improved keyboard shortcuts [macOS]
- Improved inline frame load button (native view)
- Context menu and tap actions on header image (native view)
- Fix for slowing interface over time
- Improved article list loading and scrolling performance
- Fixed wrong corner radius on images (native view) [iOS]
- Fixed an issue with high and low frequency folders, if a feed contained articles without published date
- Fixed large title layout issue [iOS]
- Fixed pull up/down gestures in lists [macOS]
- Fixed wrong corner radius on images (native view) [macOS]
- Improved alert button order consistency [macOS]
- Fixed potential crashes
- Fixed autohide sidebar setting [macOS]
- Fixed background color in footnote popups
- Removed Read Later / Subscribe action extensions, keeping only the Read Later / Subscribe share extensions. [macOS]
- Fixed UI issues with extremly large font sizes
- Bazqux now downloads tagged articles if enabled
- Fixed menubar in fullscreen mode [macOS]
- Added page up/down keyboard commands
- Workaround for horizontal swiping getting stuck between articles
- Fixed initial article filter selection in article list
- Fixed keyboard hiding textfields at the bottom of long lists of settings [iOS]
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