Fiery Feeds 2.9.4




  • Rounded corners on selection in lists background in some situations
  • Destructive context menu entries are now marked red [iOS]
  • Delete folder action replaces the “feed settings” in the folder context menu
  • Feed settings are now accessible from the folder settings screen
  • Create new theme now starts out with a copy of the current theme
  • Added grouped entry background color to themes


  • Fixed layout issue in navigationbar during syncing
  • Feed list stays hidden after reading article in two pane mode
  • Fixed two and three pane layout on iPhones [iOS]
  • Fixed missing close button in settings view, in landscape, iPhone [iOS]
  • Improved import/export account settings with iCloud based accounts
  • Fixed empty view after rotation on iPhones [iOS]
  • Fixed crash on resizing in stage manager [iOS]