Fiery Feeds 2.11.4




  • Removed unnecessary titles in menubar [macOS]
  • Added navigation to the next/previous article with n/p keys
  • Increased maximum unread articles to 10000 (Inoreader)
  • Added Readwise Reader share activity
  • Newly found articles will be automatically marked unread only within 30 days (iCloud and local feed accounts)


  • Improved text extraction
  • Increased performance during sync
  • Fixed selection highlight in default light theme
  • Improved background image layout in large widgets
  • Fixed an issue with syncing too often on [iOS]
  • Possible fix for slowdowns after a while
  • Possible fix for reappearing articles in iCloud accounts
  • Removed option to not update feeds in iCloud accounts
  • Increased network timeout in FreshRSS accounts
  • Fixed sync status display