- Option to disable link tooltips
- Removed Safari Reading Mode Setting (since Safari has it’s own per-site settings now) [iOS]
- Added clear cookies keyboard shortcut [iOS]
- Added update article list keyboard shortcut [iOS]
- Added clear cookies menubar entry [macOS]
- Added update article menubar entry [macOS]
- Fixed a layout issue with dynamic sizes disabled
- Fixed possible layout issue after rotating the device
- Fixed seemingly getting stuck during “Loading Hotlinks”
- Fixed squished buttons in navigation bar
- Fixed account status not being visual updated after signing in (Pocket, Inoreader, Feedly)
- Added counter to fetching changes (iCloud Feeds / Read Later)
- Fixed an issue causing empty saved searches
- Fixed potential crash related to bionic reading (native rendering)
- Fixed potential crash during syncing
- The full width media setting now also applies to videos (Native Rendering)
- Added fetching changes state message to iCloud accounts
- Fixed potential layout issue in side preview image article list layout
- Fixed article word counts sometimes not appearing after sync
- Fixed hotlinks not being updated on sync in some situations
- Articles grouped by feed are again sorted by feed title
- Improved Table Layout (Native Rendering)
- Reduced minimum height in article list
- Potential layout issue with title only layout
- Fixed feed title sometime not appearing in article list
- Fixed titles being cut off with large font sizes
- Improved add feed / subscribe button [macOS]
- Fixed save page and subscribe extensions
- Fixed settings icon not showing up on iOS 13 [iOS]
- Fixed alternate app icons not showing up in selection screen [iOS]
- Keep all labels available on device, even empty labels (TTRSS)
- Fixed issue reloading feed titles after renaming a feeds (Feedly)
- Fixed today feeds counts
- Removed default browser setting
- Expanding the today folder works again
- Changes to the article list layout
- Separate show date / show feed title settings
- Option to exclude feeds from Hot Links
- Using more SF Symbols as icons
- New expert setting “article view overlay”
- Option to completely remove header image from text (native rendering)
- Improved article list performance
- Expanding the today folder works again
- Fixed screen not turning off after sync has finished (if set to disable screen sleep while syncing) [iOS]
- Fixed saved searches in specific feeds or folder (you may have to re-create those searches)
- Fixed layout issue after rotating while Safari was open
- Fixed no feeds displayed when searching read articles
- Fixed saved searches in specific feeds or folder (you may have to re-create those searches) [macOS]
- Saved searches now also search the author and feed title fields
- Improved log file viewer
- Updated included themes for Big Sur [macOS]
- Send Feedback now uses third party email apps if possible
- Fixed alert button colors
- Fixed/removed “Expand section” text from cells that can’t actually be expanded (VoiceOver)
- Expert setting to prevent display sleep while syncing [iOS]
- Fixed unstarring articles (NewsBlur)
- Added Expert Setting “Force Fullscreen Video” [iOS]
- Counts not being updated for feeds in special folders like Today
- Fixed issue syncing with the latest version of NextCloud News
- Fixed possible crash when marking articles read
- Fixed Newsblur sync after an API change
- Fixed open in external app dialog
- Removed the “prevent incremental web rendering” expert setting
- New App Icon to better fit Big Sur [macOS]
- Native Rendering: Copy/select paragraph context menu entries
- Native Rendering: Copy title context menu entry on article header
- Smart searches in iCloud read later accounts
- Fix for read counts not being updated after “mark all read above/below”
- Removed existing accounts sections from account selection if empty
- Fixed animation in article list when switch to next article [iOS]v
- Global search now also searches feed title and author
- Support for Apple Silicon [macOS]
- Fixed changing presets
- Minor performance improvements in feed list [iOS]
- No longer syncs the hide toolbars on scroll setting from iOS (if importing settings from iCloud) [macOS]
- Minimum sync interval setting is no longer an expert setting
- Minor performance improvements in feed list [macOS]
- Fixed duplicate date label in article view
- Fixed “Save page” safari extension
- Fixed potential low res images in image viewer
- Fixed saved searches in specific folders
- Fix for potentially getting stuck downloading Hot Links
- VoiceOver: Removed unnecessary expand button from lists
- VoiceOver: Removed “unread” label from unread articles (but kept “read” for read articles)
- VoiceOver: Removed double actions from feed and article list item actions
- Adjusted design for Big Sur [macOS]
- No more alerts when trying to open about:blank links in web view [macOS]
- Better performance while typing in search field
- Minor iCloud changes (Feed / Read Later)
- Search in settings also finds the english settings names (in addition to the localized names)
- Improved article list performance
- Added “Open Articles in Browser” expert setting [macOS]
- Feeds without any articles show up in the all feed list again
- j and k shortcuts now work regardless of if the article view is already open
- Fixed colors in alert views for themes that haven’t been updated [iOS]
- Article context text size is no longer an expert setting
- Added “Share Combined URL and Title” expert setting [iOS]
- Fixed article counts in feeds in recent articles folder [iOS]
- Add new tags during adding (Wallabag)
- Search field in setting no longer looses focus when typing [macOS]
- Fixed article counts in feeds in recent articles folder [macOS]
- Support email now opens default email app [macOS]
- Change text parser button no longer missing in native view / text mode
- Feeds in streams now show the correct articles (TTRSS, Feedwrangler)
- Previewing links no longer launches the corresponding app [iOS]
- Fixed new articles notifications
- Allows smaller sidebar widths [macOS]
- Fixed handling of feed: links from Safari [macOS]