
  • Tidur Timers 3.1.1

    • Support for iPhone X
    • Fixed bug where the timer title would reset when editing the timer
    • Fixed no notifications, when a timer was started from the notification widget
    • Updated URL schemes to use tidur:// instead of multitimers://
  • Tidur Timers 3.1

    • Cloud Sync on iOS Devices
    • Cloud Sync on Apple Watch
    • Improved Purchase Screen
    • Fixed bouncy scrolling
    • Fixed light theme reseting on launch
    • Displays number of repetions on watch app
    • Fixed hiding finished timers in widget
  • Tidur Timers 3.0


    • You can pause timers
    • Repeating Timers: Set a number of repeatitions and a pause between each interval.
    • You can now toggle between a light and a dark theme.
    • New Color Purple for Timers
    • 13 additional new alert sounds available
    • Redesigned and polished every inch of the user interface.
    • Multi Timers is now called Tidur – which is Swedish for timers.


    • Fixed wrong alert sound whenn starting a timer from the today widget
    • You can now also change the alarm sound in the watch app. (The watch app stil only supports the default sound, but this is in preparation for cloud sync.)
  • Multi Timers 2.4


    • Start existing timers using Siri
    • Option to keep the display awake
    • Updated widget for iOS 10
    • Displays the total duration
    • Launch into editing a timer from the widget
    • Widget no longer needs to launch the app to start, stop or delete a timer
    • URL Scheme multitimers://editTimer?title
    • Bolder fonts
    • Slightly better notifications
    • Requires iOS 10
    • Renamed app on device to “Timers”


    • Fixed: Layout problem when rotating the device
  • Multi Timers 2.3.1

    • New: Index parameter in URL schemes
    • Fixed: x-callback-url as host working
  • Multi Timers 2.3


    • Hides the today widget if no timers are available
    • Support for x-callback-urls
    • Set alert tone when adding a timer via url scheme
    • Full voiceover support
    • A longer alert sound
    • The delete timer button now stops the timer if it’s running, deletes it otherwise


    • Today widget is now more reliable
  • Multi Timers 2.2


    • Apple Watch App
    • Redesigned the edit timer view
    • Two new alarm sound options


    • Updates the today widget correctly
    • Alarms loosing alert sound on restart
    • Alarm sound playing while the app is running
  • Multi Timers 2.1


    • Support for 3D Touch
    • Edit an existing timer
    • Select number of days for a timer
    • Today Widget and settings in the
    • URL Scheme multitimers://addTimer?title&sec&min&hr&d
    • URL Scheme multitimers://restartTimer?title
    • URL Scheme multitimers://deleteTimer?title


    • Fixed a couple of bugs
  • Multi Timers 2.0


    • Completely redesigned and rewritten in Swift
    • Support for iOS 9
    • Support for Slide Over and Split Screen
    • Actionable notifications
    • Titles for timers