
  • Fiery Feeds 1.3


    • New, custom designed sharing sheet
    • Added sound to new article notifications
    • Added sharing to Appigo’s Todo, Clear, Simplenote, Stache
    • Added customizable URL Actions
    • Added customizable Mail Actions
    • Included SendToReader sharing in-app
    • Include Buffer sharing in-app
    • Include OneNote sharing in-app
    • You can logout from any sharing service individually
    • Optionally enter a title when saving to pinboard
    • Added 1Password link when adding an account
    • Explicit option to display the sidebar left or right


    • Minor Interface Improvements
    • Minimum image size for preview images
    • Changed preview length setting to lines
    • Improved mark all read (Feedly)
    • Removed switch mode gesture from article list


    • Feedly no longer logs you in when adding a new account
    • Asks for password again, if authorization has failed
    • Fixed Problem when sharing to evernote
    • Fixed jumping in article list
    • Fixed scrolling in article list
    • Fixed mark stream as read (Feed Wrangler)
  • Fiery Feeds 1.2.1

    • Smaller bug fixes for iPads
  • Fiery Feeds 1.2


    • New, separate iPad App
    • Completely redesign for larger screens
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1.6


    • Added support for Feedja


    • Fixed All Items > Sort by Sort by Feed (MnmlRdr)
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1.5


    • Option to clear read articles immediately
    • Main list is now grouped into sections
    • Option if sparks count should be displayed (Fever)


    • No longer searches for images in articles if image caching is disabled
    • Fixed a problem with the default values for “Keep Starred” and Image Caching
    • Fixed bug where sometimes the wrong article was opened
    • Fixed scroll position when returning to article list
    • Fixed bug where cells could be displayed empty
    • Stability improvements
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1.4


    • German Translation
    • Article preview images
    • Image caching as per account option
    • Show Article Counts per account option


    • Removed article cache size option
    • Improved VoiceOver support


    • Deselects rows in settings view correctly
    • Restore statusbar after displaying an image
    • Updates list correctly if sync is started from article list
    • Performance improvements with 10k+ articles
    • Fixed tap on statusbar to scroll to top
    • Fixed Feedbin custom API endpoints
    • Fixed close button in image view
    • Fixed crash when sharing to evernote
    • Fixed no content when sharing to evernote from web
    • Fixed mark all read for a certain hotlink
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1.3


    • Sync status in main list
    • Keyboard shortcuts (with external keyboard)
    • Swipe article cell to the right to reveal more options
    • Star, Share, Mark Above Read, Mark Below Read from article cell
    • Option to display the feed title on every article
    • Included a list of gestures and shortcuts
    • Support for animated GIFs in image viewer


    • Fixed keep unread (Feedly)
    • Updates hotlinks links correctly (Fever)
    • Fixed article text not reliably selectable
    • Improved image viewer
    • Improved image caching
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1.2


    • New icon
    • Open website in 1Password
    • Unread count in article view
    • New option to keep starred articles only for a certain duration
    • New Sync Sparks option (Fever)
    • New color theme ‘Blue’


    • Fixed problem syncing with Feed Wrangler with 1000+ items
    • Fixed problem when changing an items status repeatedly on a bad connection (Feedbin)
    • Scroll to top in item list
    • Fixed bug where the app would not sync on launch
    • Improved background sync
    • Improved item list scroll performance
    • Improved swipe back performance
    • Improved article swipe
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1.1


    • Fixes problem with marking articles read (Fever)
    • Displays notifications now correctly after each other
    • No longer displays network errors while the device is offline
    • Fixed embeded YouTube aspect problem
  • Dozzzer 3.4

    • Switched back to the old way of playing music.
    • Support for Podcast + Audiobook positions
    • Fixed repeat problem
    • Fixed shuffle problem
  • Fiery Feeds 1.1


    • New Icon
    • Syncing with MnmlRdr
    • Syncing with Feedly
    • Syncing with Feed Wranger
    • Improved Feedbin Sync Performance
    • Improved Fever Sync Performance
    • Sharing articles to Firetask
    • 64 Bit support
    • Option to sort main list alphabetically
    • Long press refresh button to refresh on server (Fever)
    • Long press refresh button to force full refresh (MnmlRdr)
    • Option to allow self signed certificates (Fever, Feedbin)


    • Fixed Twitter and Facebook Buttons in Settings
    • Fixed webview fullscreen option
    • Fixed webview content inset in fullscreen
    • Fixed image view image scale after rotation
    • Fixed long tap in article view
    • Fixed unstarring items (Feedbin)
    • Fixed swipe back lag
    • Removed rate app dialog
    • Fixed visual problems with in-call statusbar
    • Fixed delete button on wrong cell after deleting account
    • Fixed a problem with the item cell height
    • Fixed a potential crash when marking items read
    • Fixed a potential crash when an article’s url wasn’t set
    • Properly decodes HTML entities in image alt text
    • Now shows the number of currently cached articles in settings
    • Tweaked required left / right swipe speed (article view)
    • Fixed opening the YouTube page from embedded video
    • Mailing the URL now sets the title as mail subject
    • No longer shows the unread badge for sparks (Fever)
  • Dozzzer 3.3

    • Requires iOS 7
    • Saves shuffle / repeat option
    • Editing mode for playlist
    • No longer shows the volume bezel while not in the app
    • No longer supports iTunes Match or syncing the playback position in podcasts and audio books. (Sorry.)