Removed all ads in free version
New “Add Feed” button in the feed list
Changed open articles in Safari option to open articles in safari view and the open links in safari instead of safari view option now affects opening articles as well
Links opened for the web mode now open in a custom view that shares cookies with the web view mode to allow logging in to web sites. This can be disabled in the expert settings.
Expert setting to not dim read, but starred articles
Long press the sync button to reset local changes and perform a full sync.
Option to sync on server automatically when syncing the app (TT-RSS)
Now shows the archived, fresh and published feeds (TT-RSS)
Fixed sharing title and url
Fixed starred articles appearing as unread (Pocket)
Fixed saving animated GIFs from the image viewer
Fixed an issue with the top margin in the artcle view
No longer grays out starred articles, regardless of read status
CMD – W keyboard shortcut while the app is in split view
Slightly improved Sync Speed (TT-RSS)
Expert option to open links in Safari instead of Safari View
Expert option to open articles directly in Safari
Added “All” option to the mark read older then dialog
Arrow keys now scroll in the article view
Fixed a layout issue in in-app notifications
Fixed a layout issue in the hotlinks view on iPhone X
Statusbar no longer disappearing (if enabled) after opening a website
Improved feedlist updating/app startup with a large number of articles (>20k)
Fixed 3D Touch preview being dismissed on moving your finger
Fixed app badge number not being updated in certain situations
Switched back keyboard shortcut from esc to cmd+w since a bunch of keyboards don’t have an esc key
No longer shows an empty screen when tapping a summary notification
Fixed an issue where typing an R would cause a sync
Fixed top / bottom color in scrollable footnote tooltips
Fixed encoding issue with feed titles in the subscribe screen
All / Unread / Starred keyboard shortcuts while
Fixed article title being cut off in some circumstances
Fixed HTML entities in feed title in notifications
Fixed code block format in articles
Slightly improved TTRSS sync speed
Improved colors in Feedbin newsletters
Automatically tries to restore an action subscription if subscribing failed.
New tag {date-long} and {date-short} in custom url actions
New tag {date-long} and {date-short} in custom email actions
Grouped and cleaned up expert settings
Expert Option: Disable parallax scrolling
Expert Option: Reducing article motion
Improved article image search
Improved feed list layout with longer titles
Fixed alert views being cut off an smaller devices
No longer inverts the feed icon colors (smart invert)
Fixed not being able to dismiss safari extension if there is no account
Feed order in article list is now case insensitive
Now highlights the selected view mode even when the article is opened from the today widget
Fixed “you can select a quick share action” being display when long swiping on an article
Strips HTML from article title if needed (Today widget)
Fixed an issue with line breaks in article view
Fixed visual bug in quick share selection
Fixed a couple of potential crashes
Show the image caption / alt text in the image viewer
Support for Smart Invert (accessibility option)
Option to disable Sparks (Fever)
Hides preview image if the preview image failed to load (full width previews)
Tapping an article notification now opens the article
Fixed footnote popups being cut of at the sides
Fixed footnote popup color issue in dark themes
Updates the feed list immediately on disabling/enabling smart views
Fixed URL actions with old {callback} and {source} tags
Enforce a bit of space between images and text in the article view
Placeholder feed icon in the article list now uses the correct color
Correct highlight color for the article count in the article list
Fixed alert popup background colors (Reduced transparency, dark theme)
Fixed not scrolling when navigating in the article list using the keyboard
Fixed potential crash when navigating through articles using the keyboard
Improved Hot Links
New Copy Article sharing action
Return after mark read now also works on the iPad (with hidden feed list)
New Expert Option: Open links in article mode in Safari View. (Defaults to yes, should be disabled if you have problems with paywalled sites or cookie notices)
New Expert Option: Update article list after sync automatically
New Expert Option: Hide feed icons in the feed list
Added Sync account keyboard shortcut while focused on feed list
Disabling confirm mark all read now also prevents the mark all above or below dialogs
Fixed a possible crash when subscribing in a folder (Inoreader)
Improved handling of renewing subscriptions
Now scrolls to the top of the article list after updating
Fixed an issue where the article list toolbar would disappear
Fixed an issue where the feed icon would not appear when showing only the article title
Fixed an issue that could cause the app to freeze on a bad network connection
Fixed a potential crash on mark all read below
Fixed potential crashes during sync
Show Feed Icon in article list if no favicon is available
Improved article loading if preloading is set to 0
Fix an issue generating hotlinks
Updated changelog URL
Made is slightly easier to trigger the expert settings
Fixed app badge option (Wallabag)
Fixed Safari View action from article view
Fixed preview image url / article url switch up in mail actions
Fixed a potential crash when opening a list with a large number of articles
Fixed issue with dismissing the article view
Show ungrouped feeds at the bottom (Feed Wrangler)
Improved scroll performance with mark read on scroll enabled
Display tags as a group (Inoreader)
Fixed a possible issue with TT-RSS servers
Fixed a potential crash (BazQux)
Fixed a potential crash (Fever)
Fixed a potential crash when dismissing an article
Fixed a potential crash when opening an article
Fixed typos
Added haptic feedback
New Option: Left Preview Images
Footnote popups
Drag (and drop in another app) article from the article list
3D Touch: Peek & Pop in Feed and Article List
Option to mark article read when sharing using URL action
You can now do a long drag on an article (to the left) to trigger your selected quick action
Hidden Options (Long Press the settings icon for some additional options noone really needs)
Shows Update List Button after sync in article list (until list is reloaded)
Unsubscribing now has a confirmation dialog
Option to select “None” as Quick Share Action
Tap Statusbar to Show Navigationbar and Toolbar in Article View
Account Option to cache already read articles
Theme import from iCloud Drive
Separate article list font size option
Restores App State after relaunch
Added Fira Sans as Font
Parallax effect in preview images when scrolling
Settings now show their units (pt, px, %, …)
Long swipe for quick action in article list
Open Links to images in image view instead of safari view
Accessory Action Setting (Open Feed, Open article view directly)
Now also hides the toolbar in article and feed list on scroll
Unread Count in Article List in the top right corner
Unread Count in article list & article view can now be disabled for a cleaner view (default: disabled)
Article Padding is now in % insetad of pixel. You may have to adjust the selected value.
Summary notifications (x new articles found) now count per account
Fiery Feeds now downloads and caches the text version of articles if the feed is set to text and remember view mode is turned on.
Fiery Feeds now download already read articles as well as far as the API allows for all feed reader services
There is now an option for a notification for each indiviual new article.
Improved Wallabag Sync
Drag and Drop Reordering in Account List
Improved Article Caching Options
New, custom notification sound
Quick Share Keyboard Shortcut
Support for Continuity / Hand off
Draggable toolbar in article view
High Frequency Folder
Low Frequency Folder
Hot Links Folder
New App Icon
Support for iPhone X
Improved Instapaper Sync
Fixed a crash when syncing with Wallabag
Fixed error on initial sync with Feedbin
One Note Sharing Login uses Safari View
Fixed swipe to delete user actions in action lists.
Force-enabled playback controls on video elements in articles
No longer retrys downloading images if the download fails
AM/PM time in accounts list (depending on device settings)
Uses crawled date instead of published date (Feedly)
Fixed adding feed to multiple folders (Feedly)
Removed Minimal Reader (as the service is shutting down)
Faster left / right swipe in article view
One Note Sharing Login uses Safari View
Buffer Sharing Login uses Safari View
Buffer Sharing Login uses Safari View
Improved article list scrolling
Removed AOL Reader (as it’s being shut down)
Removed Custom Sharing Sheet
Removed Custom Web View
Removed Open Groups as Option
Removed “More” Button in long lists
Custom themes require a subscription
Account Settings moved to Accounts List
Updated Predefined articles list styles
Removed Twitter / Facebook actions (no longer available in iOS 11)
Moved a few settings around: “Pull to mark all read”,” Return after mark all read” and “hide toolbars on scroll” are now be found in “More”
Account option: Number of read articles to keep (instead of number of days to keep read articles for)
Requires iOS 10
Fixed a bug that prevented Tidur Pro purchases from completing. Tidur Pro would be locked again after restart, since no purchase actually happened.
Fixed bug where timer alarm and color would reset when editing them (Apple Watch)
Added an option for a second alarm sound when a repeating timer restarts
Fix possible data error editing timers while offline with enabled cloud sync
Added Haptic Feedback
Support for iPhone X
Support for iPhone X
Fixed bug where the timer title would reset when editing the timer
Fixed no notifications, when a timer was started from the notification widget
Updated URL schemes to use tidur:// instead of multitimers://
Cloud Sync on iOS Devices
Cloud Sync on Apple Watch
Improved Purchase Screen
Fixed bouncy scrolling
Fixed light theme reseting on launch
Displays number of repetions on watch app
Fixed hiding finished timers in widget
Opens changelog in Safari View
Error messages are now displayed as notification banner
Improved onboarding and premium screen
The subscribe extension now also works when long pressing an RSS link in Safari.
Reduced minimum preview image file size
Properly changed Login to Safari View (Feedly)
Fixes UI issue with load images setting
Improved FeedHQ syncing
© 2024 ·
Lukas Burgstaller
· All rights reserved