Expert option to disable the “displayed incorrectly” link below the text mode (you can switch the selected parser by tapping and holding the mode selection at the top)
The Today smart view is now called “Recent Articles”, and the number of days considered is configurable.
New option to download all tagged articles (TT-RSS)
In app article notifications are can now be disabled
Added Heiti SC and Heiti TC fonts
Fixed headers in move feed view
Increased the max cache size to 10000 articles
Fixed a possible issue syncing unread articles (TT-RSS)
Improved syncing speed with a large number of starred articles (Feedly)
Fixed status messages during sync
Fixed an issue calculating word counts
Improved chinese word counts
Support for complications on Apple Watch
User guide link in settings when already pro user
Tap and hold to add quick timer message is now hidden after trying to add a quick timer for non-pro users as well
You no longer need to save, changes to timers are applied immediately
Fixed crash when creating a new timer on Apple Watch
Moved Siri shortcuts to the more options
Removed In App Purchases, Dozzzer is now once again a regular paid app
German localisation
“Next article” option for double tap action in article view
Added support for must read smart folder (Pocket)
Dropped support for article tags in favor for labels (TT-RSS)
Downloads full text for all articles regardless of feed if caching full text is enabled (Pinboard)
Option to mark articles as private when saving to Pinboard
Fixed potential issue with word counts (wallabag)
Added shortcuts icon for custom url actions to the shortcuts app
No longer shows the (empty) special and label folders (TT-RSS)
Toggle text and toggle web mode double tap actions now remember the previous view mode
Fixed an issue where opening an article could take longer than expected
Fixed images not appearing in articles (Pocket)
Improved dragging cached images to YoinkApp
Improved pushing changes to server (Inoreader)
Fixed disabling downloading of hot link contents
Fixed toolbar disappearing with no feeds
Redesigned settings view
Quick timers: Long press the add icon to quickly add a single use timer
You can now find a user guide in the settings
Fixed issue with selected notification sounds
Fixed crash when starting to edit a timer from the today widget
Fixed timer shortcuts not working in shortcuts app
Fixed timer sort order
Improved Siri shortcut suggestions
Reorderable toolbar icons for article view (in account settings > article view)
Option to disable checking existing articles, if the extracted text needs to be downloaded
Option to cycle through all view modes with double tap in article view
You can double tap your Apple Pencil 2 instead of the article view
Header Image Size Option
More reliable word counts
Workaround for malformated article titles
Fixed adding links using the plus button (Instapaper, Pocket, Wallabag)
Fixed adding links using the swipe menu in feed list (Instapaper, Pocket, Wallabag)
Fixed the switched around lables for long and short articles in the account settings
Improved handling of instapaper text parser errors
Hide “www” from titles in read-it-later services
Fixed statusbar not appearing again after dismissing article view
Fixed “update list” button not appearing in some situations
Improved long pressing in articles (especially header images)
Improved caching in preview images
Support for popups in web mode (since some websites insist on opening some links in popups, can be enabled in the expert settings)
Switch syncing to Apple’s CloudKit
Cloud Syncing is now included for everyone, for free
Support for Siri Shortcuts
German Localisation
Minor Interface Improvements
Option to toggle web mode with double tap in article
Wider images, if the image is large enough (can be disabled in the expert settings)
Updated navigation arrow icon
Fixed pull up distance with fewer articles
Aligned table headers to text
Improved french localisation
Haptic feedback on gesture account switching
Better article length calculation for chinese articles
Possibly fixed random crash
Removed 1Password buttons (since you can now use the integrated autofill function)
Fixed possible crash when subscribing to a feed
Fixed possible crash on tapping titles
Minor interface improvements
Article header image now scales with device width
Hides article toolbar in peek / pop preview
Fix for downloading too many text versions
Expert option to hide the title for microblog posts
Premium subscription status screen (if subscription is active)
Option to change the app language in expert settings > debug
Option to keep tagged articles on device (Feedly, Inoreader)
Added a tip jar in the app
Improved Localisations
Increased image download performance
Improved smart view settings
Improved article list sort options
Improved syncing (Feedbin)
Fixed translation issues in status messages
Fixed tap outside article view to dismiss gesture
Fixed swipe from right edge to dismiss article view gesture
Fixed issues with article toolbar animations
Improved rss feed search when subscribing via an url
Hides Smart Views header if there are no smart views.
Improved UI when there are no accounts set up
Fixed footnote icon colors
Fixed tagged articles (Inoreader)
Improved syncing (Feedly)
Added French, Chinese localizations
Button to clear to log file (in the log file viewer)
Now downloads full text for downloaded before switching the display mode automatically too
The account switch gesture (swipe left / right on the navbar) now also works in the article list
Swipe left / right on the bottom toolbar in feed or article list to switch between saved / unread / all articles
Option for mark all read confirmation only above 100 articles
Support folder groups when renaming feeds and folders
Option to display the author in the article list
Keyboard short cuts for alert views
Improved keyboard navigation in main view
Improved German localisation
New iPad support
Improved keyboard shortcuts
Retries failing instapaper articles
Always shows the toolbar after launching the app
Parallel downloading favicons, hotlinks and full text versions
Fixed an issue with downloading full text while downloading images was disabled
Fixed reloading article list after mark all read below or above an article without confirmation
Only shows notifications for newly found unread articles
Fixed keyboard shortcuts in accounts list
No longer treats feeds or folder with more then one slash as folder groups
Maps “/” to ” — ” in feed and folder names to make folder groups work properly (Inoreader)
No longer download images for already read articles in some situations
Fixed URL label dismiss animation in sharing sheet
Fixed 0 days ago instead of x hours ago
Performance Improvements
The selected quick action is now also accessible via VoiceOver in the article list
Display author in article option moved to regular settings
Option to automatically update the article list after marking all read
Improved grouping in article view and article list settings
VoiceOver can now announces notifications in the app
Options what to read for each article (VoiceOver)
Updated show / hide sidebar icon
Expert Setting: Article list paging size (how many articles are loaded before the load more button is shown)
Configurable double tap gesture in article view
Fixed an issue with sorting folders by unread count
Improved german localisation
Improved VoiceOver labels
Status field after signing in to Pocket
Fixed potential crash in the article list
Stability Improvements
Fixed mark all read from 3D touching a feed
Fixed OneNote session expiration (You have to signin again)
Fixed issue with alternate icons on (iPad)
Improved error logging
Improved network connection (retries individual requests if they fail)
Fixed an issue with FreshRSS syncing stuck at pushing changes
Fixed an issue with navigationbars no snapping correctly
Fixed an issue with restoring the app state on relaunch
© 2024 ·
Lukas Burgstaller
· All rights reserved