- Improved animations
- Separate task background color for calendar
- Improved adding subtasks
- Edit Task Layout [visionOS]
- No weird animations when switching lists [iOS]
- Fix daily progress with archived tasks
- Fixed potential crash when deleting a task
- Sorting done tasks to the bottom in lists
- Fixed switching tabs in edit view
- Layout fixes in lists
- You can now add subtasks to your tasks
- Option to automatically complete tasks on completing all subtasks
- Option to show/hide anytime tasks in today widget
- Shows notes in large and extra large widgets
- Added a widget to quickly open today/planned/later/archive
- Added a widget to quickly open projects
- Added a widget to show specifically anytime tasks
- Added Open Project Intent
- Added intents to open today/next/later/archive
- Properly localised all intents
- Updated main list design
- Dropped sort order in archive
- Anytime Tasks are now called Next Tasks
- Option to hide the coloured task background
- Option to keep the compact sidebar always displayed
- Added an icon indicating repeating tasks in lists
- Improved animations in lists
- Progress lock-screen widget now counts archived tasks too
- CMD+N new task is now also context sensitive
- Added archive to menu in lists [iOS]
- Shows notes in drag preview again [iOS]
- Widget layout adjustments to match app
- Icons in tutorial project
- List padding [macOS]
- Option to hide anytime tasks except on workdays
- Animations when rescheduling in calendar
- Navigation menu when sidebar is collapsed [macOS]
- When manually moving a task to a full day in calendar, with strict mode enabled, another task will be automatically defered
- When saving longer texts in the share extension, they are now truncated and moved to the notes field
- Force larger minimum window size when in calendar mode [macOS]
- Allow smaller minimum window size [macOS]
- Generating the tutorial project
- Fixed layout issues in task lists
Share Extension
- Create new tasks directly from the share sheet in other apps
Repeatings Tasks
- Set tasks to automatically create a copy after a specific time
- Anytime Tasks now be optionally deferred, which converts them to planned tasks
- Anytime tasks can now be optionally displayed in the calendar view
- Options to skip the archive/defer all/clean up confirmations
- New task in context menu on projects in sidebar
- Shows anytime icon on tasks in list
- Shows the scheduled date in lists
- Combined clean up and defer task buttons into one menu
- No longer shows priorities on tasks, in lists sorted by priority
- New tasks in project views default to “later”
- Changed priorities to more common flag icons
- You can drag and drop items between sections in lists
- Added padding to list bottoms [iOS]
- Split the edit task view in four different pages
- Added a persistent navigation sidebar [iOS]
- Improved month layout [iPhone]
- Show notes in today view
- Calendar days calculation in months with leap seconds
- Preselecting the wrong date when double tapping in calendar
- Updates list after priority change in context menu
- Archived in calendar are now displayed with some alpha
- When strict mode is disabled, you can add tasks on past days by double clicking in the calendar
- Non-archived, done tasks are now still shown in project lists
- Added context menu entry to schedule tasks “anytime”
- Auto defer task to “next day” now correctly defers overdue tasks to today
- Fixed a broken task state when dragging a task to today in the sidebar
- You can uncheck und unarchive tasks from the archive view
- Fixed today task count in sidebar and app badge
- Adjusted the edit project view layout
- Slightly increased task size in lists [iOS]
- Changed auto archiving options to immediately | daily | manually
- Option to show archived tasks in calendar view
- Improved footers layout in settings [macOS]
- Fixed button colors in onboarding
- Fixed syncing with iCloud
New Onboarding
- Better explains the task limits in Focused
- Let’s you configure the app during the initial setup
- Added an optional tutorial project
Archive Tasks
- Archiving old, done tasks can improve the app performance
- Archive now sorts tasks by completion date
- Auto archive tasks after a set time
- Native support for visionOS
- Switched to a scrollable month view on iPhone in portrait too
- You can now pick a symbol for each project
- Removed projects list view, as they are now in the main/sidebar view
- Shows today view on launch [iPhone]
- Preselected first free day instead of today in some case for a new task
- Done anytime tasks are removed from the today view after a day
- General performance improvements
- Minor layout improvements
- Minor layout changes in sidebar counts
- Anytime tasks now also have a “Later” entry in the context menu
- Fix top bar layout [iOS]
- Add task button now works on the main view too [iPhone]
- Today’s tasks are correctly labelled “Today” instead of with todays date in lists
- Anytime tasks now also count towards today count in sidebar
- Reverted to large title on phones [iOS]
- Added a button to reset the local data, in case of iCloud sync errors
- CMD+N opens a pre-filled add view, based on the list [macOS]
- The plus button now uses the current list to prefill some details [iOS]
- List sort order is now stored per-list
- Task in menubar are now sorted just like in the today view [macOS]
- Separate options for app badge count overdue | today | anytime
- Anytime property in App Intents
- Priority property in App Intents
- Fixed projects list window [macOS]
- Fixed deferring anytime tasks
- Improved sidebar selection
- Added “No Project” in sidebar project list
- Priorities can be assigned in the context menu
- Dropped “Planned” from later tasks context menu, but next day/next available day works for scheduling
- You now can unassign projects from tasks in context menu and edit view
- Shows list sorting option on main view as well [macOS]
- Added counts to the today entry in sidebar
- Shows a more detailed errors in the iCloud sync status page
- Context menu to edit or delete projects in sidebar
- Priorities are now hidden in done tasks
- Too large top view in split mode [iOS]
- CMD+N triggers new task, not new project
- Preselected project when adding a task in a project
- Fixed an issue with sorting tasks in lists
Later Tasks
- You can quickly add tasks without scheduling them yet
- Quickly add or remove tasks from being planned with the conext menu
Task Priorities
- You can now assign priorities to tasks
- Lower priorities will be deferred first if needed
App Layout
- Now uses a sidebar for navigation [macOS, iPad]
- You can drag tasks to any item in the sidebar to quickly modify them
- New Today view, to focus on just what needs to get done today
- Project views let you view all open tasks in a project
- Easier access to projects and archive
- Cleaner planning view [iOS]
- Added “Checkmark” App Icon
- Swipe left/right in day/week/month views [iOS]
- Option to show week numbers
- Renamed task groups to projects
- Renamed history to archive