
  • Fiery Feeds 1.0.5


    • It’s now possible to reorder accounts in settings
    • Left / right swipe in list to change between starred/unread/all
    • Option to mark links saved to pinboard as unread
    • New Intense White theme


    • Pinboard with tags is now an option instead of a separate sharing activity
    • Removed swipe to go back starting anywhere but the screen edge. (Screen edge still works!)
    • Changed brightness gesture to a three finger swipe
    • Setting max articles to 0 now removes any limit


    • Fixed a crash when sharing to evernote
    • Fixed a problem with overly long Feedbin passwords
    • Fixed the done button being disabled after editing accounts
    • Fixed hotlinks order with hotness over 100°
    • Fixed a problem calculating the correct zoom scales when viewing a image
    • Properly updates color in hotlinks view after changing the color theme in the article view
  • Fiery Feeds 1.0.4


    • Color themes apply to the entire app
    • High contrast mode


    • Fixed a bug where the main list would update automatically after syncing
    • Fixed a possible crash when loading favicons
    • You can now disable evernote sharing in settings
  • Fiery Feeds 1.0.3


    • Shows ungrouped feeds in the main list
    • Share to Pinboard with tags
    • Share full article by mail
    • Share to Evernote
    • Redesigned hotlinks view (Fever)
    • Set hotlinks start date (Fever)
    • Mark all read in hotlinks (Fever)
    • Mark all read in starred mode (Fever)
    • Line hight option in article view
    • Uses 12h format based on system settings
    • Maximum number of articles to cache option
    • Per Account option to keep articles unread on open
    • Added Georgia as a font option
    • Increased maximum interface font size
    • Enabled swipe navigation in settings
    • Application and account list unread badges are now configurable per account
    • Two finger swipe up or down to change brightness (in article and web view)


    • Removed option to display feeds in a separate
    • Taping the refresh indicator in webview cancels loading
    • Hides Sparks, Kindling and All group when empty
    • Improved statusbar animation while navigating
    • Logout from all logs out from Pocket as well
    • Increased animation speeds
    • A bunch of new sharing icons
    • Slightly increased contrast


    • Fixes multiline titles with larger font option
    • Smoother fullscreen animation in webview
    • Fixed refresh on server without explicit http (Fever)
    • Fixed a bug preventing the app to sync successfully (Fever)
    • Fixed a problem where read items would show up as read
    • Fixed pocket sharing failed message
    • Performance improvements
  • Fiery Feeds 1.0.2


    • Feedbin saved searches
    • Option to display unread counts in accounts list
    • Option to return to groups list after marking all articles as read
    • Custom server URL for feedbin
    • Option to enable fullscreen mode in article view
    • Option to enable fullscreen mode in web view
    • Option to change the text size in list views
    • Reload button in web view
    • Now uses up to two lines to display the title in list views
    • Displays a notification instead of an alert when sharing was successful


    • Fixed crash on launch with too many items
    • Improved performance with a large number of articles
    • Sorting now effects the order of groups (Last 6 Hours, Last Day,…) as well
    • Removes empty groups immediatly
    • You can now copy text from alert views
    • Renamed Invert Accessory Action to Open Groups As (Feeds/Articles)
    • Fixed icon badge number not updating correctly
    • Automatically perpends http to server url if nessecary
    • Swiping from the edge to go back now working in article view
    • Correctly displays an error message if connection to a fever server fails
  • Fiery Feeds 1.0.1


    • Mobilizer in Webview (Instapaper, Readability, Google)
    • Article Color Themes (Dark, Grey, White)
    • Left/Right Margin Option in Article View
    • Article Order (Newest First/Oldest First)
    • Share to Felix (App)
    • Share to Velocity (App)
    • Double Tap in Groups View to hide recently read items (in unread mode)


    • Bug blocking swipes in article view
    • Alert View rotation bug
    • List not updating when marking all as read immediatly
    • Fever not correctly displaying counts for all items
    • Feedbin not correctly displaying all feeds in All Feeds
    • Left/Right animation in article view being slow
    • Problem with non ASCII Characters in Feedbin Password