
  • Fiery Feeds 1.5.2


    • San Francisco font
    • Support for Slide Over and Split View
    • Support for Safari View Controller


    • Keyboard shortcuts require the command key (⌘) now
    • Removed Instapaper Mobilizer


    • Enabled AOL Reader login with 3rd party accounts
    • Problem loading articles urls (AOL Reader)
    • Article Links in email templates
    • Updates the interface after marking articles as read above/below
  • Fiery Feeds 1.5.1


    • Long press mobilizer in web view to change service
    • {article-url} and {image-url} tokens for mail and url actions


    • Removed scale effect in navigation
    • Updated support Twitter account
    • Long tap on share icon triggers instantly


    • feeds in sparks (Fever)
    • sparks count on app badge (Fever)
    • No longer shows feeds in sparks as ungrouped (Fever)
    • cell highlight color after theme change
    • dots on lists in articles
    • Background refresh not updating the icon badge
    • Ungrouped feeds not appearing in the main list
    • Back gesture while in fullscreen (iPad)
  • Fiery Feeds 1.5


    • Support for Inoreader
    • Support for NewsBlur
    • Support for AOL Reader
    • Support for The Old Reader
    • {input} field to URL Actions
    • Quick Sharing – Long tap the share icon to quickly send the article to a selected service
    • Mark All Read Button to bottom of article list
    • Inline footnotes in the article view
    • Maven Pro fonts


    • German translation
    • Sorts articles by date within a feed (while sorting by feed)
    • updating counts and lists
    • Centered alert view on screen
    • Automatically opens the first article (iPad)


    • article title when sharing to Instapaper
    • Correct image url when sharing from image viewer
    • Open Login Pages (AOL Reader, Feedly) in app regardless of external browser setting
    • feeds in a stream with search filter not being filtered (Feed Wrangler)
    • crash when long-tapping a link
    • problems in the articles list
    • skip article list option on iPad
    • article font size not matching the rest of the app
    • No longer passes HTML content to sharing extensions
    • Keep starred duration reset on save
    • Bug that could cause the wrong article to open
  • Fiery Feeds 1.4.3


    • You can find the changelog in the settings
    • Support for miniflux (via Fever API)
    • Option to set an external browser (safari, chrome) as default for opening links
    • You can now use {content-preview-nohtml} and {content-nohtml} in URL actions
    • Added Mark Article / All Above / All Below as read actions to VoiceOver’s action rotor (article list)
    • Added 2Do URL action


    • Fixed a bug where the wrong article would be displayed
    • Fixed voiceover in the sharing dialog
    • Fixed a bug where an article’s preview text was missing
    • Fixed background blur in input (Buffer sharing)
    • VoiceOver: Back gesture now works in the article view
  • Fiery Feeds 1.4.2


    • Preview Image Size option
    • Displays the feed icon on every article cell when feed title on article cell is enabled


    • Support for Preview Length of 0 lines
    • The keep duration for articles can now be set to forever (-1)
    • Remembers open groups per account
    • Greatly improved image caching performance
    • Updated Empty Today Widget Look
    • Improved alerts with more than 4 options
    • Changed open first article automatically option to skip article list


    • Sharing from web view to extensions
    • Uses the title again when sharing a website from the web view
    • scroll to top in article view
    • opening articles from widget (Minimal Reader)
    • toolbar size after switching articles in landscape (iPhone)
    • not displaying preview images in landscape (iPhone 6 Plus)
    • crash while caching images with a large number of articles
    • No longer shares the full text to facebook and twitter
    • problem when sending articles to pinboard
    • a couple of potential crashes
    • Displays tutorial notifications only in the app
    • No longer shows sharing notifications outside the app
    • Improved handling of wrong supplied text encoding (Fever)
  • Fiery Feeds 1.4.1


    • Support for 1Password in the web view
    • Displays the progress while caching images


    • Improved Favicon search
    • Moved the feed title to the top (if enabled)
    • Increased maximum font size
    • Other minor interface improvements
    • Performance improvements
    • Improved background refresh
    • Improved app icon (iPhone 6 Plus)
    • Improved german lokalisation
    • Displays the full date and time inside an article
    • Applys sidebar position setting immediately
    • Mark articles read on scroll: Only marks articles read while scrolling down
    • New Icons for mark all above and mark all below as read
    • Sorts feeds alphabetically within types (when sorting by type)
    • Longer timeout when refreshing on the server (Fever)


    • opening hotlinks (Fever)
    • notifications and badge icon
    • 1Password URL Action
    • VoiceOver support
    • crash on opening style options (iPhone)
    • crash on opening native sharing sheet
    • close button on modal web view
    • sort by date (Feedly)
    • scroll to top in article view
    • marking more then 1000 articles read (Feedbin)
    • standard sharing sheet not appearing correctly
    • Facebook / Twitter not always prefilling the sharing sheet correctly
    • a problem where the status would not be display in the group view
    • support for iOS’s read screen function
  • Fiery Feeds 1.4


    • Universal App
    • Support for iOS 8
    • Support for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus
    • Option to use the system sharing dialog
    • Option to mark articles read while scrolling
    • Displays helpful tips from time to time
    • Today Widget
  • Fiery Feeds 1.3.4


    • Added a button to open the default sharing sheet (in case you’re already using a certain version of a certain OS)
    • Long tap on images in the webview to bring up the detail view
    • Long tap on links in the webview to bring up the sharing view


    • Minor interface improvements
    • Improved voiceover support


    • login/logout from Evernote
    • emtpy articles in article list
    • problem with certain FeedWrangler passwords
    • problems using {content} in custom url schemes
    • not correctly unescaping certain characters when sharing an article
  • Fiery Feeds 1.3.3


    • Fixed crash when sorting groups alphabetically was enabled
    • Improved voiceover support
  • Dozzzer 3.4.1

    • Fixed volume jumping up and down in some cases
    • Fixed shuffle settings reseting itself
    • Fixed playback pausing immediately after starting
  • Fiery Feeds 1.3.2


    • Fixed syncing bug with Feed Wrangler (please re-add Feed Wrangler accounts)
    • Fixed potential crash when sharing certain urls


    • Minor interface changes
  • Fiery Feeds 1.3.1


    • New theme selection screen
    • Theme directory and additional themes
    • Added Gill Sans as a font option
    • Added Keep Everything and {url-no-protocol} token for URL actions


    • The selected font is now used across the entire app
    • The selected text size is now used across the entire app
    • Text size in theme options
    • Reorganized settings
    • Improved Evernote Web Clipping
    • Removed the white and blue theme from the app. (They can be installed from the theme directory)