
  • Tidur Timers 5.4.3


    • Fixed potential app slow down
    • Some weird animation in the app
    • Improved localisation
    • Fixed potential crashes
  • Tidur Timers 5.4.2


    • Improved icon picker
    • Uses next timer icon in menu bar [macOS]
    • Changing timer icons is now a Pro feature
    • Shows syncing indicator while syncing


    • Fixed a possible crash
  • Tidur Timers 5.4.1


    • Continuing after purchase
    • Fixed unlock for previous users
    • Fixed notifications on timer end
    • FFixed selected timer sounds [macOS][visionOS]
  • Tidur Timers 5.4

    Native Mac App

    • Now a native, AppKit based app [macOS]
    • Improved window management [macOS]
    • Added items to help menu [macOS]
    • Added grid/list switch to menu bar [macOS]
    • Option to keep only timer windows on top [macOS]

    Menubar Item

    • See time until next timer finishes right in the menubar [macOS]
    • See a list of all your timers with one click [macOS]
    • Start/stop timers from the menubar [macOS]

    Improved iCloud Sync

    • Rewritten to be more reliable
    • New iCloud status view
    • Can push changes to other devices

    Improved Edit Timer View

    • Increased available timer colors
    • You can now pick an icon for each timer


    • Minor layout changes
    • Improved settings view
    • Allow much smaller single timer windows [macOS]
    • Fixed lockscreen widgets [iOS]
    • Fixed new quick timer lockscreen widget
    • Fixed app unlock for legacy users
  • Tidur Timers 5.3.1


    • Contact uses external mail app [macOS]
    • Improved localiation


    • Fixed possible crash
    • Fixed dark mode toggle
  • Tidur Timers 5.3

    VisionOS Support

    • Native visionOS app
    • Adjusted layout
    • Depth effects


    • Rewritten onboarding and settings in SwiftUI for consistency
    • Fixed an issue with always dark mode in settings
  • Tidur Timers 5.2.1


    • Fixed layout issue in edit timer view [macOS]
    • Improved animations in widgets
    • Ending live activities automatically when timer is done
    • Fixed counting time for pause between repetions in widgets
    • Improved small single timer windows [macOS]
    • Improved window handling [macOS]
  • Tidur Timers 5.1.1


    • Reverted name
    • Shows menu on button in grid mode [macOS]


    • Fixed drag to reorder in grid mode
    • Previous notifications reappearing when editing a running, repeating timer
  • Tidur Timers 5.1

    Alternate App Icons

    • Light and dark list icons
    • Light and dark logo icons
    • 20 Symbol Icons


    • Sort timers by color
    • Testing out a new app name, Timer⁺
    • Show textual repeations count, for high number of repeations
  • Tidur Timers 5.0.3


    • Restored sound preview on sound selection
    • Shows total timer duration and exact end date in context menu
    • When start and stop sounds are enabled, and the pause between timers is too short to play both (less than 3 seconds), the app now plays the start sound instead of the stop sound between timers
    • Use popever when adding a new timer [macOS]


    • Pro alert sounds are once again pro sounds
    • Fixed a small delay in the timer UI
  • Tidur Timers 5.0.2


    • Fixed ending repeating alerts by tapping an alert while the app is in foreground
    • Selecting different sounds for start repetition and timer end
    • Fixed automatically reordering once a timer finished
    • Fixed always on top option [macOS]
    • Fixed preview of timers during dragging [iOS]


    • Timers now reorder themselves with an animation
    • Added new window command to menu bar [macOS]
  • Tidur Timers 5.0.1


    • Fixed pause duration in edit view
    • Spelling of TImers


    • Added stop timer action to menu [iOS, macOS]
    • Slight changes on the timer detail view [watchOS]
    • Slighly disabled state of non-running timers
    • Repetitions bar now empty while finished