
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.6


    • Option if errors should display an alert. (Default off)
    • Number of title lines is now configurablex
    • Dismiss Article View On Leaving Article List option


    • Improved horizontal article scrolling
    • Dismisses the refresh indicator at the top of the list immediately


    • Fixed a bug where the article list would not correctly update the colors after changing the theme
    • Fixed a bug where headers in the article list would be displayed multiple times
    • Fixed a bug where the sync status in the article list would not be updated
    • Fixed error when syncing with Inoreader
    • Fixed a couple of potential crashes
    • Slightly improved launch time
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.5


    • Dynamic Height option in advanced / lists
    • Long press an article in the article list to quickly share it
    • Added “Star Article” to the list of possible Quick Actions
    • Automatically selects a theme, when newly installed
    • Option to automatically hide the sidebar on opening an article
    • Swipe from the side to show the sidebar if it’s hidden
    • Safari View Controller uses theme colors (iOS 10)


    • Changed the mark article read keyboard shortcut to cmd+m for consistency
    • Split advanced settings into more sections
    • Scrollbar color in dark themes


    • Crash while syncing in background
    • Improved caching images in background
    • Fixed a problem with the separator lines in the article list
    • Now displays article counts in a smaller font if necessary
    • Scrolling at the very edge of the screen
    • Fixed possible “Lost network connection error”
    • Fixed notifications
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.4


    • Crash when saving an image
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.3


    • Improved title only layout
    • Slightly increased contrast in light theme
    • The “More” and “Mark All Read” button at the end of the list highlights in the correct color
    • Monospace font in code blocks in the article view


    • Authorizing message not disappearing (Feedly)
    • Now displays the correct cache size once again
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.2


    • Support for tags (Inoreader)


    • Increased contrast in the dark theme
    • Faster sync after editing a feed
    • Improved initial login (Feedly)
    • Slightly improved article list performance


    • AOL Reader sync
    • A few potential crashes
    • Preview image aspect ratio
    • Layout issues
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.1


    • Removed Readability sync and share action, as Readability is shutting down by the end of september
    • Displays the sidebar width option in the article appearance options
    • Now displays the syncing status in article list as well


    • Potential crash when sharing an article
    • Potential crash when using keyboard shortcuts
    • Black screen when using return on mark all read
    • Fixed potential crash when subscribing to a feed
    • Unsubscribing from feeds in smart streams (Feed Wrangler)
    • Login with Evernote (sharing action)
    • A few visual issues
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8


    • Unsubscribe from feeds (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, TTRSS, Inoreader, NewsBlur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader)
    • Renaming Feeds (Feed Wrangler, Inoreader, NewsBlur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, Minimal Reader)
    • Subscribing to Feeds (Feedbin, TTRSS, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Inoreader, Newsblur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader)
    • Delete Folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feed Wrangler)
    • Create Folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly)
    • Rename Folder (Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler)
    • Add / remove feed from folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly)
    • Update a single feed or folder server side (TTRSS)
    • Update all feeds server side (TTRSS, Fever)
    • Add new link (Instapaper, Pocket, Readability)
    • Article appearance settings screen is no longer fullscreen (iPhone)
    • Subscribe via URL scheme fiery://subscribe/{url}
    • Pull the article list up to mark all read
    • Option to set username/password for additional HTTP auth (Fever, TT-RSS)
    • New sidebar width option (Small, Normal, Large)
    • Text alignment can now be set to right as well
    • Downloads starred articles (tt-rss)
    • New About Screen in settings
    • New Action Extension (subscribe or add urls from anywhere)
    • New Shortcut: Shift + Space to scroll up in the article view
    • New Shortcuts: CMD + 1, CMD + 2, CMD +3 to change the article view mode
    • New Share Selection menu item in article view
    • Preview images now also appear in the today widget


    • Moved Acknowledgements into the app
    • Redesigned pull to refresh
    • Article View Mode: “Last Selected” works now per feed
    • The “Show Feed Icon” option now affects the feed list as well
    • The keep starred articles option is now strictly yes or no
    • Improved the article list layout
    • Updated today widget for iOS 10
    • Darker Launch Screen (fits better with the dark theme)


    • Scrolling with keyboard shorts not reaching the end of the article
    • URL actions no longer open the in app browser for http links
    • Article list layout with 1 preview line
  • Fiery Feeds 1.7.3


    • Improved AOL Reader sync
    • Improved Inoreader sync
    • No longer opens the webpage on long pressing a link in an article
  • Fiery Feeds 1.7.2


    • Added Fiery Feeds’ text extractors as options in textmode (Formatted, Text)
    • Added option to always display the article count


    • Switched to OAuth (Inoreader)
    • Displays the article date in text mode
    • Adjusted colors in the black and dark theme


    • Improved favicon search
    • Fixed sharing to pocket with in included action
    • Fixed a problem when syncing with two accounts on one ttrss server
    • Fixed a problem where an article’s read status was not displayed correctly
    • Fixed auto-opened article not being displayed correctly
    • Caught a potential crash with readability
    • Fixed opening webpages on a future OS
  • Fiery Feeds 1.7.1


    • Text mode settings accessible in article appearance


    • Improved text mode in article view
    • Removed text mode from web view
    • Removed Google mobilizer


    • Patronage In App Purchases
    • Fixed a rare problem with the article list layout
    • Article view (opened via today widget) disappearing after dismissing image view
    • Crash when sharing an article (when there is a user action without name)
    • Article view no longer switches to default view mode after sharing
    • Auto opening first article, if no article is open (iPad)
    • Layout problem in the article view
    • Loading favicons (TT-RSS)
  • Fiery Feeds 1.7


    • Inline web and readability view in article view
    • Added option to become a patron (in settings)
    • Option to hide feed title and time
    • Separate setting for the author / time text size in the article view
    • Global text size presents (Small, Regular, Large, Extra Large)
    • Option to display favicons on unread articles


    • Tweaked the default settings for text sizes a bit
    • Improved article view performance
    • Improved article list scroll performance
    • Simplified interface settings, moved everything else to the ‘advanced’ tab
    • Combined fullscreen on scroll settings (web, article) into one
    • The list of shortcuts is now also localized


    • An 400 error when syncing (Feedbin)
    • Not syncing on launch after restart
    • Not marking articles with a published date in the future as read when marking all read
    • Text Selection in Article View
    • Only mark articles read on scroll if article list is visible
    • Downloading all unread articles (tt-rss)
    • A bug where the sidebar whould stay black after exiting fullscreen
    • A crash when authentication with Pocket while offline
    • Potential crashes
  • Fiery Feeds 1.6.3


    • Spacebar shortcut to scroll down in web view (not safari view)
    • Right arrow shortcut to expand groups in the folders list


    • Updated alert view design
    • Voiceover with on/off switches


    • Login with Pocket
    • “Not connected to the internet” message on launch
    • Tags in main list (Pocket, Instapaper)
    • Problem where the wrong article would be displayed
    • Not correctly updating the article counts while “skip article list” was enabled
    • Single feeds are no longer skipped when navigating with the keyboard
    • Crash when syncing with no remaining articles (Pocket)
    • Potential crash when navigation with the keyboard
    • Potential crash while syncing (Inoreader)