
  • Fiery Feeds 2.11.4


    • Removed unnecessary titles in menubar [macOS]
    • Added navigation to the next/previous article with n/p keys
    • Increased maximum unread articles to 10000 (Inoreader)
    • Added Readwise Reader share activity
    • Newly found articles will be automatically marked unread only within 30 days (iCloud and local feed accounts)


    • Improved text extraction
    • Increased performance during sync
    • Fixed selection highlight in default light theme
    • Improved background image layout in large widgets
    • Fixed an issue with syncing too often on [iOS]
    • Possible fix for slowdowns after a while
    • Possible fix for reappearing articles in iCloud accounts
    • Removed option to not update feeds in iCloud accounts
    • Increased network timeout in FreshRSS accounts
    • Fixed sync status display
  • Fiery Feeds 2.11.3

    Text Extraction

    • Improved local text extraction
    • Now using FiveFilter’s site configs
    • Special handling of YouTube and Vimeo urls
    • Replaced text extraction for local and iCloud read later account
    • Replaced text extraction for Hot Links

    Smart Searches

    • Added “Any Text” as searchable property
    • Fixed issue when preselected value in feed/folder/unread/starred property was left selected
    • Fixed comparison selection not updating when the compared property changes
    • “In the last” comparsion is now called “within”
    • Added “not within” comparison
    • Fixed layout issue with too many rules
    • Fixed close button in new search view


    • Fixed exessive updating of the feed list during sync
    • Removed useless labels from article header context menu
  • Fiery Feeds 2.11.2

    Feed list context menus

    • Cleaned up context menus
    • Delete tag option in context menu
    • Rename feed/folder/tag option directly in context menu
    • Moved feed/folder settings view into the detail views
    • Added update button to smart searches context menu
    • Added additional edit details view for smart searches


    • Tweaked Text Extraction
    • Removed regular sync interval setting, in favor of the already existing sync interval settings [macOS]
    • The regular sync interval can now be set as low as 15 minutes, previously 3 hrs [macOS]
    • Increased number of synced tags and searches to 50, but they are synced at most every 6 hours [Inoreader]
    • Previously read articles are at most synced every 6 hours [Inoreader]
    • Added “Share Article” to double tap actions in article view


    • Fixed typo in edit tags view
    • Possible crash in article view with italic fonts
    • Fixed back button in feed/folder settings
    • Fixed renaming smart searches
    • Removed unnecessary settings for per-search settings view
    • Fixed mark read on scroll in per-search settings
  • Fiery Feeds 2.10.5


    • Increased limited of synced unread articles to 2000 [InoReader]
    • Decreased minimum interval between syncs to 1 hr [InoReader]


    • Improved text extraction
    • Fixed clearing account caches for larger accounts
    • Fixed potential crashes
    • Show folder intent now dismisses an open article
    • URL actions as quick share now trigger correctly, even if text selection is used but missing
  • Fiery Feeds 2.10.4


    • Deleting feeds, folders no longer requires Pro
    • Changed rename icon in context menu [iOS]
    • Added Finnish translation
    • Added a minimum sync interval of 3 hrs [InoReader]
    • Limited number of synced articles [InoReader]
    • Limited number of synced articles/searches [InoReader]


    • Improved localisation
    • No longer appends a newline to the title in URL and Mail actions
    • Fixed displaying Hot link in 2 pane mode
    • Fixed an issue showing the wrong list type (saved/unread/all) after launch
    • Errors on updating feeds are handled less strict [NextCloud News]
    • Fixed being unable to reorder toolbar items from context menu [macOS]
    • Fixed potential crash when syncing with FreshRSS
  • Fiery Feeds 2.10.3


    • Feed, Folder settings and details in proper context menu entry


    • Improved updating article counts
    • Fixed toolbar settings style in account settings
    • Fixed some minor crashes
  • Fiery Feeds 2.10.2


    • Reverted statusbar change in statusbar in themes


    • Potential Crashes
    • Improved Spanish translation
    • Fixed updating the icon badge while the app is running [iPad, Mac]
    • Fixed articles not being removed after mark all read above
    • Fixed issue with article counts after marking all read
    • Fixed issue with article counts after sync
    • Fixed restoring article position
    • Fixed tap to dismiss sidebar (in overlay mode)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.10.1


    • Hidded feed are still displayed in the feeds & folders list, but are hidden in smart folders like “All Articles”


    • What’s new screen for 2.10
    • Improved polish translations
    • Fixed potential crashes
    • Fixed changing article view mode if “Remember article view mode” is disabled in feed settings
  • Fiery Feeds 2.10

    Interactive Widgets

    • Updated widgets to use App Intents for configuration
    • Interactive widgets: mark read or starred on the single article widget
    • Trigger a sync from the widget, if there are no more articles
    • Single and multi account counts widgets are now available for free users
    • Added an extra large Hot Links widget

    App Intents

    • Updated save/subscribe Siri actions to use App Intents
    • Predefined App Shortcuts that show up in the Shortcuts app
    • Mark Article read App Intent
    • Mark Article starred App Intent
    • Synchronize Account App Intent
    • Subscribe App Intent can now assign folders during subscribe
    • Save Article App Intent can now assign tags during saving
    • Open Article/Feeds/Folder/Tag in the app
    • Assign/Remove/Set tags on articles
    • Search/Filter for articles

    Send to Readwise Action

    • You can now send articles to Readwise as a quick action
    • It uses any selected text as highlight

    Other Changes

    • Now requires iOS 17
    • Added “Mark All Read” swipe gesture to article swipe options
    • Removed statusbar style from themes as this is now handled automatically by iOS
    • Searchbar in article list is now displayed in the navigationbar (if there is enough space)
    • Tweaked feed list layout [macOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.15


    • Fixed potential crashes
    • Potential crash with empty password (FeedHQ, BazQux, Old Reader)
    • Fixed cancel button in Share Extension not closing the view
    • Sometime autoselecting already subscribed feed in subscribe view
    • Fixed duplicating folders in some circumstances [iCloud Feeds]
    • Fixed sometimes articles being wrongfully dimmed as if read
    • Fixed must read tag being hidden in local feeds
    • Fixed values in feed and folder settings not updating immediately
    • Removed non-functional Copy action from share menu
    • Improved article list scroll performance
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.14


    • Italian translation
    • Potential crash in article list
    • Save button in edit folder view wrongly disabled
    • “Must Read” folder not removed from list when shown in smart views sections in languages other than English
    • Fixed potential overlapp of settings title with buttons in list
    • No longer suggests mastodon rss links, unless it actually is a mastodon instance
    • Fixed issue when moving many feeds at once [Feedbin]
    • Fixed some quick share icon sizes
    • Fixed “Allow all certificates” in share extension [Wallabag, TTRSS]
    • Enabled subscribe in share extension [FreshRSS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.13


    • Added support for named Youtube channel links in feed finder


    • Potential crash during text extraction
    • Potential crash in article design picker