
  • Fiery Feeds 2.1.1


    • Rename folder (Feedbin)
    • Improved delete folder (Feedbin)
    • Option to disable downloading Hot Links
    • Expert option: Disable drag & drop on iPad
    • Expert option: Always use absolute dates
    • Added font Lato


    • Fixed article view scroll indicators
    • Fixed notification progress view after rotation
    • Disabled large titles in iPhone landscape mode
    • Fixed long press to share link in article view on iOS 12
    • Fixed potential crash on opening links
    • Fixed potential crash on marking above / below as read
    • Fixed potential crash on renaming feeds
    • Removed animation when restoring the state after relaunch
    • Fixed potential crash on sharing using a url scheme
    • Fixed crash with an invalid theme file
    • Updated the included “Black” theme
    • Improved taptic feedback
    • Restored FeedHQ support
    • Improved theme switching, if both manual and automatic switching are enabled
  • Fiery Feeds 2.1


    • Dynamic height in the article list
    • Option to prefer AMP sites in web mode
    • Double Tap Gesture to dismiss the article view
    • Folder Groups: Rename your folders or tags or toplevel feeds in the form of “Group/Folder”, to group them
    • Editable Hotlinks Blacklist
    • Option to display the word count in the article list
    • Star article action now properly shows star / unstar icon based on the article state
    • Swipe left on a feed or folder to open the article view directly
    • Continuing to swipe left / right in the first / last article now dismisses the article view
    • Configurable article view toolbar (incl. safari and quickshare buttons)
    • Long Press on the article view selection opens the text parser selection
    • Sharing urls now display the url in the share sheet
    • Double tap to zoom (image viewer)
    • Today Smart View
    • Long / Short Articles Smart View
    • Redrawn most icons for a bolder look
    • Improved app icon picker
    • Improved theme picker
    • Improved font picker
    • New article style dialog
    • Automatic dark / light themes
    • Double tap to change themes
    • Export installed themes by long pressing the theme name
    • Account Option to disable the all articles folder
    • New option to go to the next folder after marking a folder read
    • Rouded corners on entries if safe area is active (only iPhone X(s) landscape)
    • Buttons to insert tags into custom url / email templates
    • Added fonts: Menlo, Futura, Palatino, Ping Fang
    • Support for password autofill (iOS 12)
    • Added Siri Shortcuts for opening accounts
    • Separate article font option
    • Support for FreshRSS
    • Support for Pinboard
    • Support for iPhone Xs Max


    • Hotlinks now show title and link
    • The linked website’s text is now downloaded offline for hotlinks
    • Hotlinks open directly in the hotlinks view from the feed list
    • Hotlinks now use °C or °F depending on system setting
    • Swipe right on a hotlink to reveal additional option (blacklist domain, safari view, share)
    • Flicking images off screen now works regardless of zoom (image viewer)
    • Alert views now use a scrollview instead of a picker
    • Redesigned Hotlinks View
    • Improved state restore on iPad
    • Revised hotlinks view
    • Improved for Micro Feed support
    • Cleaner account settings screen
    • Uses relative dates in the article list
    • Full width preview images are now at the bottom
    • Changed date, feed title and author strings in article view
    • Show author in article is now a separate option
    • Redesigned in app notification view
    • Moved feedtitle, date above article title
    • Moved a few settings from expert to advanced
    • Only shows hotlinks if hotlinks are available
    • Feed list keeps selected folder / feed visibly selected
    • Edit Button in accounts list
    • Feed List Sort: Alphabetically, Unread Asc, Unread Desc
    • Icons in quick action selection screen
    • Increased font weight for some fonts- Reduced some corner radii
    • Must Read Folder now hidden in the folder list, if the smart view is enabled
    • Now shows the account list also in the settings view
    • Reordered article view toolbar items
    • Now uses the proper article preview text if available
    • Sync Notifications are now per account settings
    • Lowered the toolbar on iPhone X
    • Expert option to disable the dynamic height
    • Added write review button to settings view
    • Image Viewer improvements
    • Improved icons for URL schemes


    • Fixed bottom toolbar placeholder (iPhone X)
    • Fixed alert after logging out from a sharing service
    • Fixed Safari Icon in web view
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.12


    • Option to hide the preview images in the today widget


    • Fixed potential app freeze
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.11


    • Crash on share selection in article view
    • Account settings are no longer resetted on database upgrade
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.10


    • New expert option to prevent the display from sleeping
    • New expert option to hide date and feed title in the article view
    • Now uses the extracted article text for sharing, if text mode is active
    • {content-plain} tag in custom url actions
    • Improved preview image selection
    • Untagged folder (Pocket)


    • Improved tags loading (Feedly)
    • Removed support for Feedja
    • Fixed creating new folders (Feedly)
    • Fixed on demand loading of preview images
    • Renaming a feed no longer removes it from folders (Feedly)
    • Reverted to slower, but more reliable sync (Wallabag)
    • Fixed possible authentication error (Feed Wrangler)
    • Increased number of tagged articles (Inoreader)
    • Fixed UI issues in the integrated web view
    • Fixed voice over back gesture in article list
    • No longer shows “Logged In” state after token expired (Inoreader)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.9


    • Improvements to the about screen
    • Added an error message if the login token has expired (Inoreader)
    • It’s now possible to change the color theme using a url scheme fiery://changeSetting?key=colorTheme&value={theme name}
    • Option to change the One Note section name (in the one note action settings)
    • Excluded the cache directory from iCloud / iTunes backups
    • New “Open Share Sheet” quick action


    • No more hyphens in code blocks
    • Better handling of network timeouts
    • Error message if a custom url action results in an invalid url
    • Fixed opening an article from the today widget, while an article is already open
    • Today widgets now shows “no articles” instead of “no accounts” if there are no unread articles
    • No longer possible to add custom url actions via url scheme, unless premium is active
    • No longer keeps downloading image when leaving wifi during sync
    • Fixed opening the article view from a feed in a folder (feed list)
    • Fixed an issue opening some links in Fiery Feed’s web view
    • Fixed an issue with the fiery://x-callback-url/subscribe url
    • Fixed an issue loging in to One Note
    • Fixed a scrolling issue in settings
    • Workaround for invalid article links
    • Privacy Policy link in settings
    • Fixed Sharing to Evernote
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.8


    • Hide Toolbars on Scroll now affects the Safari View Controller as well (requires iOS 11)
    • Added 12 hours, 3 days as options when marking old articles as read
    • Expert option: Reduce Article Motion now also applies to the initial appear animation
    • Reduce article motion is automatically turned on, if the system wide reduced motion option is on
    • A URL scheme to reset the changes queue for debugging
    • x-callback-url for subscribing to new feeds: fiery://x-callback-url/subscribe?x-source=app&url=
    • Expert option: Disable swipe to next or previous article
    • Expert option: Disable hyphenating words in article
    • Expert option: Disable pull to refresh
    • Moved “All Articles” to Smart Views group
    • Blacklisted ycombinator in Hot Links


    • Fixed Image View toolbar in portrait
    • Fixed loading starred articles (TT-RSS)
    • Force feedback on swiping to show feed options
    • Fixed force feedback while pull to refresh is disabled
    • Workaround for sharing links via long tap in web mode
    • Searches without articles now show up in all article mode
    • Workaround for connection issues with some servers (TT-RSS)
    • Disabled add feed button if no account is set up
    • Privacy Policy Link in the about screen
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.7


    • Slighly dimmed preview text in article list in some themes
    • Theme files now include a color for the preview text. See blog for details
    • Now uses gray scrollbars in while in web mode, regardless of theme settings
    • Tweaked hotlinks to put more emphasis on link count, and less on newness
    • Dim read starred articles option has moved from the expert settings to the regular article list settings
    • Support for much faster TTRSS sync. See account settings for details.
    • Uses full width buttons is mark read confirmation for better reachability
    • Support for active searches (Inoreader)
    • Increased maximum full text articles to 500 per sync
    • Now fetches preview images from Feedbin


    • Improved Feedbin Sync
    • Improved TTRSS Sync Speed without API plugin
    • Fixed an issue when entering text into an alert (iPhone SE)
    • Fixed issue when folders were deleted on the server (Instapaper)
    • Fixed issue when articles were moved on the server (Instapaper)
    • Fixed issue where tags would not be applied if the article was already downloaded (Inoreader)
    • Fixed expanding low frequency in all article mode
    • Fixed a bug that caused wrong new article counts
    • Fixed an issue with protocol relative links
    • No longer shows “not connected to the internet” push notifications
    • Fixed issue with preview images that used html escaped chars in their url
    • Automatically updates the feed list after changing the feed list sort order setting
    • Fixed an issue with slightly off article dates (Feedly)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.6


    • New “Add Feed” button in the feed list
    • Changed open articles in Safari option to open articles in safari view and the open links in safari instead of safari view option now affects opening articles as well
    • Links opened for the web mode now open in a custom view that shares cookies with the web view mode to allow logging in to web sites. This can be disabled in the expert settings.
    • Expert setting to not dim read, but starred articles
    • Long press the sync button to reset local changes and perform a full sync.
    • Option to sync on server automatically when syncing the app (TT-RSS)
    • Now shows the archived, fresh and published feeds (TT-RSS)


    • Fixed sharing title and url
    • Fixed starred articles appearing as unread (Pocket)
    • Fixed saving animated GIFs from the image viewer
    • Fixed an issue with the top margin in the artcle view
    • No longer grays out starred articles, regardless of read status
    • CMD – W keyboard shortcut while the app is in split view
    • Slightly improved Sync Speed (TT-RSS)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.5


    • Expert option to open links in Safari instead of Safari View
    • Expert option to open articles directly in Safari
    • Added “All” option to the mark read older then dialog
    • Arrow keys now scroll in the article view


    • Fixed a layout issue in in-app notifications
    • Fixed a layout issue in the hotlinks view on iPhone X
    • Statusbar no longer disappearing (if enabled) after opening a website
    • Improved feedlist updating/app startup with a large number of articles (>20k)
    • Fixed 3D Touch preview being dismissed on moving your finger
    • Fixed app badge number not being updated in certain situations
    • Switched back keyboard shortcut from esc to cmd+w since a bunch of keyboards don’t have an esc key
    • No longer shows an empty screen when tapping a summary notification
    • Fixed an issue where typing an R would cause a sync
    • Fixed top / bottom color in scrollable footnote tooltips
    • Fixed encoding issue with feed titles in the subscribe screen
    • All / Unread / Starred keyboard shortcuts while
    • Fixed article title being cut off in some circumstances
    • Fixed HTML entities in feed title in notifications
    • Fixed code block format in articles
    • Slightly improved TTRSS sync speed
    • Improved colors in Feedbin newsletters
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.4


    • Automatically tries to restore an action subscription if subscribing failed.
    • New tag {date-long} and {date-short} in custom url actions
    • New tag {date-long} and {date-short} in custom email actions
    • Grouped and cleaned up expert settings
    • Expert Option: Disable parallax scrolling
    • Expert Option: Reducing article motion


    • Improved article image search
    • Improved feed list layout with longer titles
    • Fixed alert views being cut off an smaller devices
    • No longer inverts the feed icon colors (smart invert)
    • Fixed not being able to dismiss safari extension if there is no account
    • Feed order in article list is now case insensitive
    • Now highlights the selected view mode even when the article is opened from the today widget
    • Fixed “you can select a quick share action” being display when long swiping on an article
    • Strips HTML from article title if needed (Today widget)
    • Fixed an issue with line breaks in article view
    • Fixed visual bug in quick share selection
    • Fixed a couple of potential crashes
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.3


    • Show the image caption / alt text in the image viewer
    • Support for Smart Invert (accessibility option)
    • Option to disable Sparks (Fever)


    • Hides preview image if the preview image failed to load (full width previews)
    • Tapping an article notification now opens the article
    • Fixed footnote popups being cut of at the sides
    • Fixed footnote popup color issue in dark themes
    • Updates the feed list immediately on disabling/enabling smart views
    • Fixed URL actions with old {callback} and {source} tags
    • Enforce a bit of space between images and text in the article view
    • Placeholder feed icon in the article list now uses the correct color
    • Correct highlight color for the article count in the article list
    • Fixed alert popup background colors (Reduced transparency, dark theme)
    • Fixed not scrolling when navigating in the article list using the keyboard
    • Fixed potential crash when navigating through articles using the keyboard
    • Improved Hot Links