
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.2


    • New Copy Article sharing action
    • Return after mark read now also works on the iPad (with hidden feed list)
    • New Expert Option: Open links in article mode in Safari View. (Defaults to yes, should be disabled if you have problems with paywalled sites or cookie notices)
    • New Expert Option: Update article list after sync automatically
    • New Expert Option: Hide feed icons in the feed list
    • Added Sync account keyboard shortcut while focused on feed list


    • Disabling confirm mark all read now also prevents the mark all above or below dialogs
    • Fixed a possible crash when subscribing in a folder (Inoreader)
    • Improved handling of renewing subscriptions
    • Now scrolls to the top of the article list after updating
    • Fixed an issue where the article list toolbar would disappear
    • Fixed an issue where the feed icon would not appear when showing only the article title
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the app to freeze on a bad network connection
    • Fixed a potential crash on mark all read below
    • Fixed potential crashes during sync
    • Show Feed Icon in article list if no favicon is available
    • Improved article loading if preloading is set to 0
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0.1


    • Fix an issue generating hotlinks
    • Updated changelog URL
    • Made is slightly easier to trigger the expert settings
    • Fixed app badge option (Wallabag)
    • Fixed Safari View action from article view
    • Fixed preview image url / article url switch up in mail actions
    • Fixed a potential crash when opening a list with a large number of articles
    • Fixed issue with dismissing the article view
    • Show ungrouped feeds at the bottom (Feed Wrangler)
    • Improved scroll performance with mark read on scroll enabled
    • Display tags as a group (Inoreader)
    • Fixed a possible issue with TT-RSS servers
    • Fixed a potential crash (BazQux)
    • Fixed a potential crash (Fever)
    • Fixed a potential crash when dismissing an article
    • Fixed a potential crash when opening an article
    • Fixed typos
  • Fiery Feeds 2.0


    • Added haptic feedback
    • New Option: Left Preview Images
    • Footnote popups
    • Drag (and drop in another app) article from the article list
    • 3D Touch: Peek & Pop in Feed and Article List
    • Option to mark article read when sharing using URL action
    • You can now do a long drag on an article (to the left) to trigger your selected quick action
    • Hidden Options (Long Press the settings icon for some additional options noone really needs)
    • Shows Update List Button after sync in article list (until list is reloaded)
    • Unsubscribing now has a confirmation dialog
    • Option to select “None” as Quick Share Action
    • Tap Statusbar to Show Navigationbar and Toolbar in Article View
    • Account Option to cache already read articles
    • Theme import from iCloud Drive
    • Separate article list font size option
    • Restores App State after relaunch
    • Added Fira Sans as Font
    • Parallax effect in preview images when scrolling
    • Settings now show their units (pt, px, %, …)
    • Long swipe for quick action in article list
    • Open Links to images in image view instead of safari view
    • Accessory Action Setting (Open Feed, Open article view directly)
    • Now also hides the toolbar in article and feed list on scroll
    • Unread Count in Article List in the top right corner
    • Unread Count in article list & article view can now be disabled for a cleaner view (default: disabled)
    • Article Padding is now in % insetad of pixel. You may have to adjust the selected value.
    • Summary notifications (x new articles found) now count per account
    • Fiery Feeds now downloads and caches the text version of articles if the feed is set to text and remember view mode is turned on.
    • Fiery Feeds now download already read articles as well as far as the API allows for all feed reader services
    • There is now an option for a notification for each indiviual new article.
    • Improved Wallabag Sync
    • Drag and Drop Reordering in Account List
    • Improved Article Caching Options
    • New, custom notification sound
    • Quick Share Keyboard Shortcut
    • Support for Continuity / Hand off
    • Draggable toolbar in article view
    • High Frequency Folder
    • Low Frequency Folder
    • Hot Links Folder
    • New App Icon
    • Support for iPhone X


    • Improved Instapaper Sync
    • Fixed a crash when syncing with Wallabag
    • Fixed error on initial sync with Feedbin
    • One Note Sharing Login uses Safari View
    • Fixed swipe to delete user actions in action lists.
    • Force-enabled playback controls on video elements in articles
    • No longer retrys downloading images if the download fails
    • AM/PM time in accounts list (depending on device settings)
    • Uses crawled date instead of published date (Feedly)
    • Fixed adding feed to multiple folders (Feedly)
    • Removed Minimal Reader (as the service is shutting down)
    • Faster left / right swipe in article view
    • One Note Sharing Login uses Safari View
    • Buffer Sharing Login uses Safari View
    • Buffer Sharing Login uses Safari View
    • Improved article list scrolling


    • Removed AOL Reader (as it’s being shut down)
    • Removed Custom Sharing Sheet
    • Removed Custom Web View
    • Removed Open Groups as Option
    • Removed “More” Button in long lists
    • Custom themes require a subscription
    • Account Settings moved to Accounts List
    • Updated Predefined articles list styles
    • Removed Twitter / Facebook actions (no longer available in iOS 11)
    • Moved a few settings around: “Pull to mark all read”,” Return after mark all read” and “hide toolbars on scroll” are now be found in “More”
    • Account option: Number of read articles to keep (instead of number of days to keep read articles for)
    • Requires iOS 10
  • Fiery Feeds 1.10.4

    • Opens changelog in Safari View
    • Error messages are now displayed as notification banner
    • Improved onboarding and premium screen
    • The subscribe extension now also works when long pressing an RSS link in Safari.
    • Reduced minimum preview image file size
    • Properly changed Login to Safari View (Feedly)
    • Fixes UI issue with load images setting
    • Improved FeedHQ syncing
  • Fiery Feeds 1.10.3

    • Article view in web mode now opens links to the same domain inline
    • Also fades feed icon, read icon and preview image for read articles in the list
    • Properly changed Login to Safari View (InoReader)
    • Improved condensed article list layout
    • Removed all ads from free version
  • Fiery Feeds 1.10.2


    • Article List Problems with enabled preview images
    • Slightly increased minimum preview image size
  • Fiery Feeds 1.10.1


    • More obvious dimming of read articles
    • Option to hide article status icons in list
    • Shows status icon and feed icons separately if both are enabled
    • Tweaked predefined list styles


    • Crash on launch for some users
    • Increased preview image resolution
    • Prevent tiny preview images
    • Fixed only downloading 1000 starred items (Inoreader)
  • Fiery Feeds 1.10


    • Support for sync with FeedHQ
    • You can now change the mobilizer per feed if the pages is displayed incorrectly (use the link at the bottom of the mobilized article)
    • Automatic Mode for mobilizer… tries to automatically pick the best mobilizer service
    • More mobilizer services available (Mercury, Graby, Goose and Boilerpipe)
    • Support for Firefox as external browser


    • Removed global article mode and mobilizer settings in favor of per feed settings.


    • The subscribe action is now also supported in 3rd party browser apps like Chrome, Firefox and iCab.
    • Fixed a problem where allow all certificates wouldn’t allow some certification.
    • You can now mark all articles as read in searches (Feedbin)
    • Improved inline video playback while fullscren on scroll is enabled.
    • Fixed problem with toolbar in Fiery’s integrated web view.
    • Fixed potential crash in Today Widget
  • Fiery Feeds 1.9.2


    • You can now set a minimum interval between syncs
    • Option to reset cookies on opening the web view
    • Option whether the article list should be updated with new articles while it’s open or not


    • Always use white background for websites – some websites appear broken otherwise
    • The star article action now toggles the article state on and off
    • Improved error logging (Wallabag)
    • Improved syncing (Fever)


    • Fixed Article list text color after swipe to mark read
    • Fixed a problem where not all articles were downloaded (Feed Wrangler)
    • Fixed a bug, where the wrong group may be expanded (Feedly)
    • Fixed a problem with pinboard settings
    • Fixed a layout bug in the article list
    • Fixed a bug where the today widget would display the wrong preview images
  • Fiery Feeds 1.9.1


    • No longer shows the loading indicator while in article mode
    • Width of “normal” sidebar increased – especially on the larger iPad Pro
    • Disabled autocorrect in URL and mail action editor


    • Fix unread count in article view off by one
    • More reliable and stable article cache
    • Fixed swiping on articles in the article list in quick succession
    • Fixed Pinboard action tags and title options
  • Fiery Feeds 1.9


    • Full support for bazqux (sync, subscribe, move feed, rename feed, unsubscribe, create folder, delete folder, rename folder)
    • Full support for wallabag (sync, add, archive)
    • Support for preview images supplied by the server (Feedly, Pocket, Wallabag)
    • Preview images are now downloaded on demand, if preview images are enabled
    • Autohide Sidebar has now the options always / only portrait / never
    • Tapping the already selected article filter (favorites/unread/all) or article sort type (date/feed) now changes the sort order within that type from oldest first to newest first and vice versa
    • Pulling up in the feed list now also marks all items read (if enabled in settings)
    • The “Add To Fiery Feeds” extension is now also available within Fiery Feeds


    • Advanced Settings are now split into multiple groups
    • Slightly increased the favicon size in the article list
    • Much improved scroll performance in the article list


    • Auto Open First Article Option now actually works
    • Fixed disappearing favicons in the article list
    • Fixed a probleme where the statusbar would stay hidden
    • Fixed article highlight in the article list
    • Fixed sync status messages
    • Fixed Pinboard title (null) when shared through the system share sheet
    • Fixed typos
  • Fiery Feeds 1.8.8


    • Option if the first article should be opened automatically
    • Added Video/Image/Article groups to pocket accounts
    • Added Iowan font to the selection
    • New URL scheme fiery://resetSettings to reset global settings to defaults


    • Tweaked a few default values
    • Less obtrusive colors in the status bar
    • Updated App Transport Security rules
    • A few tweaks to the appearance and article settings panes
    • Improved performance marking multiple articles as read
    • No longer removes articles after a sync from the article list while it’s open
    • Removed patronage to avoid confusion with the premium subscription


    • Fixed swipe to show sidebar gesture (iPad)
    • Fixed missing … in long titles when only one line was displayed
    • Fixed a problem updating the app badge after a background sync
    • Now respects the 24h/12h time setting for voiceover as well
    • Fixed problems with protocol-relative URLs