
  • Fiery Feeds 2.5.3


    • Premium check for themes [iOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.5.2


    • Widgets show actually latest articles
    • Fixed opening article from widget on app cold start
    • Fixed dimming article header image in dark mode
    • Fixed dimming images in article view setting
    • Smaller font in single article widgets
    • Fixed system light theme
    • Fixed downloading texts (Pocket)
    • Fixed login while Pocket app is installed
    • Fixed video layout in native rendering
    • Improved session handling (TTRSS)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.5.1


    • Expert setting to enable/disable bold titles in the article list
    • Option to disable bold link highlights


    • Workaround for NextCloud News sync issue
    • Fixed double tap navbar to toggle dark mode gesture
    • Changing the article text size now disables the “use system font size” setting automatically
    • Fixed searches as source for multi article widgets
    • Dim Images only in dark mode
  • Fiery Feeds 2.5

    Home Screen Widgets

    • Single Article Widget
    • Multi Articles Widget
    • Single Account Widget
    • Multi Accounts Widget
    • Hotlinks Widget

    Updated Color Themes

    • Completely rewritten dark/light mode
    • Option to dim images in dark themes
    • New In-App Theme Directory
    • Redesigned Theme Picker
    • New integrated Theme Editor (macOS 11 + / iOS 14 +)
    • New Default Themes
    • Unified Mac & iOS Themes

    Updated Font Handling

    • Now uses the system text size by default
    • Improved font picker in settings
    • Added Libertinus Sans and Serif fonts
    • Now supports selecting all installed fonts
    • Title and subtitle sizes are now relative to the main app font size

    Other Changes

    • Removed old today widget [iOS]
    • Enabled native rendering by default
    • Fixed article count in article view
    • Improved support for large fonts [iOS]
    • Favicon size setting
    • Fixed long loading times in web mode
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.12


    • Option to disable link tooltips
    • Removed Safari Reading Mode Setting (since Safari has it’s own per-site settings now) [iOS]
    • Added clear cookies keyboard shortcut [iOS]
    • Added update article list keyboard shortcut [iOS]
    • Added clear cookies menubar entry [macOS]
    • Added update article menubar entry [macOS]


    • Fixed a layout issue with dynamic sizes disabled
    • Fixed possible layout issue after rotating the device
    • Fixed seemingly getting stuck during “Loading Hotlinks”
    • Fixed squished buttons in navigation bar
    • Fixed account status not being visual updated after signing in (Pocket, Inoreader, Feedly)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.11


    • Added counter to fetching changes (iCloud Feeds / Read Later)


    • Fixed an issue causing empty saved searches
    • Fixed potential crash related to bionic reading (native rendering)
    • Fixed potential crash during syncing
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.10


    • The full width media setting now also applies to videos (Native Rendering)
    • Added fetching changes state message to iCloud accounts


    • Fixed potential layout issue in side preview image article list layout
    • Fixed article word counts sometimes not appearing after sync
    • Fixed hotlinks not being updated on sync in some situations
    • Articles grouped by feed are again sorted by feed title
    • Improved Table Layout (Native Rendering)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.9


    • Reduced minimum height in article list


    • Potential layout issue with title only layout
    • Fixed feed title sometime not appearing in article list
    • Fixed titles being cut off with large font sizes
    • Improved add feed / subscribe button [macOS]
    • Fixed save page and subscribe extensions
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.8


    • Fixed settings icon not showing up on iOS 13 [iOS]
    • Fixed alternate app icons not showing up in selection screen [iOS]
    • Keep all labels available on device, even empty labels (TTRSS)
    • Fixed issue reloading feed titles after renaming a feeds (Feedly)
    • Fixed today feeds counts
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.7


    • Removed default browser setting
    • Expanding the today folder works again
    • Changes to the article list layout
    • Separate show date / show feed title settings
    • Option to exclude feeds from Hot Links
    • Using more SF Symbols as icons
    • New expert setting “article view overlay”
    • Option to completely remove header image from text (native rendering)
    • Improved article list performance


    • Expanding the today folder works again
    • Fixed screen not turning off after sync has finished (if set to disable screen sleep while syncing) [iOS]
    • Fixed saved searches in specific feeds or folder (you may have to re-create those searches)
    • Fixed layout issue after rotating while Safari was open
    • Fixed no feeds displayed when searching read articles
    • Fixed saved searches in specific feeds or folder (you may have to re-create those searches) [macOS]
    • Saved searches now also search the author and feed title fields
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.6


    • Improved log file viewer
    • Updated included themes for Big Sur [macOS]
    • Send Feedback now uses third party email apps if possible


    • Fixed alert button colors
    • Fixed/removed “Expand section” text from cells that can’t actually be expanded (VoiceOver)
    • Expert setting to prevent display sleep while syncing [iOS]
    • Fixed unstarring articles (NewsBlur)
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.5


    • Added Expert Setting “Force Fullscreen Video” [iOS]


    • Counts not being updated for feeds in special folders like Today
    • Fixed issue syncing with the latest version of NextCloud News
    • Fixed possible crash when marking articles read
    • Fixed Newsblur sync after an API change
    • Fixed open in external app dialog