
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.5


    • Added Expert Setting “Force Fullscreen Video” [iOS]


    • Counts not being updated for feeds in special folders like Today
    • Fixed issue syncing with the latest version of NextCloud News
    • Fixed possible crash when marking articles read
    • Fixed Newsblur sync after an API change
    • Fixed open in external app dialog
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.4


    • Removed the “prevent incremental web rendering” expert setting
    • New App Icon to better fit Big Sur [macOS]
    • Native Rendering: Copy/select paragraph context menu entries
    • Native Rendering: Copy title context menu entry on article header


    • Smart searches in iCloud read later accounts
    • Fix for read counts not being updated after “mark all read above/below”
    • Removed existing accounts sections from account selection if empty
    • Fixed animation in article list when switch to next article [iOS]v
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.3


    • Global search now also searches feed title and author
    • Support for Apple Silicon [macOS]


    • Fixed changing presets
    • Minor performance improvements in feed list [iOS]
    • No longer syncs the hide toolbars on scroll setting from iOS (if importing settings from iCloud) [macOS]
    • Minimum sync interval setting is no longer an expert setting
    • Minor performance improvements in feed list [macOS]
    • Fixed duplicate date label in article view
    • Fixed “Save page” safari extension
    • Fixed potential low res images in image viewer
    • Fixed saved searches in specific folders
    • Fix for potentially getting stuck downloading Hot Links
    • VoiceOver: Removed unnecessary expand button from lists
    • VoiceOver: Removed “unread” label from unread articles (but kept “read” for read articles)
    • VoiceOver: Removed double actions from feed and article list item actions
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.2


    • Adjusted design for Big Sur [macOS]
    • No more alerts when trying to open about:blank links in web view [macOS]
    • Better performance while typing in search field
    • Minor iCloud changes (Feed / Read Later)
    • Search in settings also finds the english settings names (in addition to the localized names)
    • Improved article list performance
    • Added “Open Articles in Browser” expert setting [macOS]
    • Feeds without any articles show up in the all feed list again
    • j and k shortcuts now work regardless of if the article view is already open
    • Fixed colors in alert views for themes that haven’t been updated [iOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4.1


    • Article context text size is no longer an expert setting
    • Added “Share Combined URL and Title” expert setting [iOS]
    • Fixed article counts in feeds in recent articles folder [iOS]
    • Add new tags during adding (Wallabag)
    • Search field in setting no longer looses focus when typing [macOS]
    • Fixed article counts in feeds in recent articles folder [macOS]
    • Support email now opens default email app [macOS]
    • Change text parser button no longer missing in native view / text mode
    • Feeds in streams now show the correct articles (TTRSS, Feedwrangler)
    • Previewing links no longer launches the corresponding app [iOS]
    • Fixed new articles notifications
    • Allows smaller sidebar widths [macOS]
    • Fixed handling of feed: links from Safari [macOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.4

    New Features

    • Fulltext Search & Saved Searches
    • Native Rendering is available for the article view as an option
    • Full Trackpad Support [macOS]


    • Option to swipe in feed and folders list to mark all read, or mark all read by date
    • Shows selected hotlink’s articles in the list view, if article is opened from feed list directly (only 3 pane mode)
    • Action to report a rendering issue in an article
    • Searching in settings views
    • Filtering in move feeds, tag article views
    • Filtering in subscribe and read later extensions
    • Full mouse / trackpad support [macOS]
    • Left swipe gestures in feed, article and hotlinks lists (on trackpads) [iOS]
    • Add new tags / folders during subscribe / save (depending on service)
    • Create/Delete Saved Searches directly in Fiery Feeds
    • Create/Delete Saved Searches (Feedbin, Inoreader)
    • Rename Saved Searches (Feedbin)
    • Text Selection in native article view
    • Added “Floating toolbars” setting (Expert)
    • Adding new account view is now displayed in a separate window
    • Reorganized, and cleaned up settings
    • Removed image drop shadow setting
    • Remove columns in article view setting
    • Fixed issue with selection in feed list, if a feed is visible twice
    • Added small star indicator in meta label
    • Shows assigned tags in the article meta label
    • Tag buttons now shows if any tags are already assigned
    • Moved meta label above title in article list, to be consistent with the article view
    • Removed automatic settings syncing in favor of manually backups to iCloud
    • Cleaned up settings, expert settings (after enabling them) show up in the regular settings view
    • Fixed possible invalid limit message (Feed Wrangler)
    • Incremental web rendering now optional
    • Added russian localisation
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.14


    • Fixed getting stuck while syncing (Inoreader)
    • Fixed article list not being updated automatically, even if the setting is enabled
    • Enabled three pane mode in 2/3 splitview if sidebar width is set to small (12.9″ iPads only) [iOS]
    • Fixed your browers is not supported message on twitter (inline web view)
    • Prevents the screen flashing white while loading a website in the inline web view [iOS]
    • Improved next/prev account/folder animations
    • Fixed sharing custom URL actions [iOS]
    • Less jumping in the article list [iOS]
    • Improved OPML Import
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.13


    • Added ⌘⇧S shortcut to share the article url only (which enables a different set of actions and apps in the share sheet than sharing url and title)
    • Support for attachments in feeds, i.e. podcasts (Local, iCloud)
    • Added readability to available parser algorithms
    • Added integrated support for Evernote


    • Updated mac dark/light theme colors [macOS]
    • Rewritting and migrated support server
    • Improved adding new account flow [macOS]
    • Fixed update list button contrast
    • Hot Links without extracted content no longer open in Safari directly
    • Properly deselects Hot Link on closing article viewer
    • Add Link or Subscription is now properly disabled in the menubar, if it’s not supported by the current account [macOS]
    • Waiting for iCloud sync status, if the app is waiting because of an iCloud error (iCloud Read Later, iCloud Feeds)
    • Fixed an issue after marking all read if both “Autohide Feed List” and “Show Feedlist after mark read” were enabled
    • Context menu to copy feed url from feed selection view during subscribe
    • Fixed potential error when syncing account settings
    • Workaround for some feeds not linking to articles (iCloud, Local)
    • Fix for favicons after importing incomplete OPML files
    • Added tags to HTML list exports for pocket
    • Pulling down to sync in feed list no longer leaves out caching articles
    • Cancels sync with error if there’s a required iCloud timeout > 60s
    • Fixed an issue downloading articles read elsewhere (Inoreader)
    • Fixed an issue with umlauts in image urls
    • Added new account button to accounts list
    • Fixed export data in settings > backup
    • Improved favicon handling
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.12


    • Option to limit the today widget to the must read folder (Expert setting) [iOS]


    • Limited active searches to the last 100 articles (Inoreader)
    • Fixed unread articles in active searches (Inoreader)
    • Fixed layout issue with article counter in the article list
    • Support for finding reddit rss feeds
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.11


    • Enabled safari reading list quick action (macOS 10.15.4+)


    • Improved link handling when subscribing to a twitter feed (Feedbin, Inoreader)
    • Keyboard shortcuts to open the settings views [iOS]
    • You can open theme files directly from the files app [iOS]
    • Now caches full text before images
    • Fixed possible crash while syncing (Fever)
    • Improved support for global active searches (Inoreader)
    • Fixed article content if the feed only contains a summary (Local, iCloud)
    • Fixed not hiding unavailable preview images
    • Fixed Web View bottom toolbar layout issue [iOS]
    • Fixed dark/light mode in share extensions
    • Improved vimeo / youtube link detection
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.10


    • Double tap article view action to trigger read later [iOS]
    • Close image view with esc key [macOS]
    • Shows account title in main window [macOS]


    • Fixed full page screenshot with native view [iOS]
    • Fixed external monitor mirroring [iOS]
    • Fixed VoiceOver selection in folder selection
    • Improved menubar handling [macOS]
    • Fixed an issue fetching the title in read later accounts
    • Closes article view after marking all read (three pane mode)
    • Fixed an issue causing iCloud feed accounts keeping too many articles on the device
    • Better YouTube rss link finding (channel / user pages)
    • Better YouTube feed handling (now shows inline video)
    • Free users are now limited to two syncing accounts
    • Changed article view mode icon to an rss icon
    • Translated save/subscribe extension names
    • Translated pre-installed mail and url actions
    • Improved Vimeo feed handling
    • Improved app translations

    Native Rendering

    • Native view respects the “enlarge images if possible” setting
    • Implemented saving/restoring reading progress for native rendering
    • Displays a download button if an image was not loaded because of disabled automatic loading
    • Displays a show image button where the header image would have been
    • Fixed image alt text showing initially
    • Fixed newlines in preformatted text
    • Implemented footnote tooltips
    • Support for ordered lists
    • Improved link detection
    • Better link tooltips
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.9


    • Removed the in-app (not the system-wide) read later and subscribe action from share sheets [iOS]
    • Reopens first account main window, if no other window is available [macOS]
    • Removed the in-app (not the system-wide) read later and subscribe action from share sheets [macOS]
    • Allows three pane mode on smaller iPads in portrait, if autohide sidebar is enabled
    • Fix for items not disappearing from the feeds and folders list after marking all read
    • Removed Evernote sharing due to their SDK no longer being maintained
    • No longer allows future dates for article published dates
    • Installed themes are now sorted alphabetically
    • Fixed a layout issue with the feed list toolbar
    • Fixed selection after changing article order
    • Moved all service conntections to https
    • Fixed potentially wrong new article count in notification
    • Fixed selection after changing article order [macOS]
    • Fixed crash in subscribe extension [macOS]
    • Fixed sidebar toolbar color [macOS]