
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.8


    • Support for saving pages to Feedbin
    • Support for moving feeds in TTRSS. (Due to API limitations this resets the article counters for the moved feed)
    • Links clicked in the web article mode now open in a in-app browser window, so cookies are shared with the article view. (To allow login to paywalled sites)


    • Opening the correct article in two pane mode with keyboard shortcuts [iOS]
    • Fixed selection flashing on going back to the feed list (iPhone) [iOS]
    • Fixed sort order switch in article list showing the wrong selection
    • Fixed header image in native view in context menu preview
    • Fixed iframes issue with TTRSS
    • Fixed tags list/move feed selection (VoiceOver)
    • Opening the correct article in two pane mode with keyboard shortcuts [macOS]
    • Increased new window default size [macOS]
    • Moved solarized themes to the theme directory [macOS]
    • Adding new account view is now displayed in a separate window [macOS]
    • Article design now opens in a separate window [macOS]
    • Now uses the correct default browser name for “Open in …” labels [macOS]
    • Fixed quick share button size for some services
    • Fixed slowing down over time [iOS]
    • Possible fix for showing the wrong article in the article view [iOS]
    • Fixed an issue with marking read on scroll
    • Fixed slowing down over time [macOS]
    • Allows to select any file for OPML import
    • Improved issues in High Contrast theme
    • Removed background color from code elements
    • Fixed quick-sharing articles to Instapaper via context menu

    Native Rendering

    • Paragraphs spacing setting
    • Support hyphenation
    • Support label tags
    • Support tables
    • Updated blockquote style
    • Better code/preformatted handling
    • Better lists/quotes handling
    • Fixed a new line issue
    • Fixed image sizing issue
    • Reduced minium line height
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.7


    • Context menu action to open article in browser in article list
    • You can tap the context menu preview to open [iOS]


    • Removed Cache on LTE settings [iOS]
    • Fixes for feed:// protocol
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.6

    Keyboard shortcuts changes

    • Updated keyboard shortcuts to automatically show contents (3 Pane mode only)
    • Toggle [M]ark read / [S]tarred shortcuts are again single key shortcuts
    • Reenabled [J] and [K] for next/previous article
    • ⌘1, ⌘2, ⌘3 for starred/unread/all article filters
    • ⌘4, ⌘5 for oldest first / newest first
    • ⌘⌥1, ⌘⌥2, ⌘⌥3 for article view modes
    • ⌘⌥↑, ⌘⌥↓ for marking above / below as read
    • [V] to open open current article in browser
    • ⌘B to toggle Bionic Reading
    • ⌘⇧D to toggle sidebar
    • ⌘T to tag item
    • ⌘⌫ delete item


    • Rename tags in iCloud and local feed accounts
    • Added click action setting for feeds and folders list [macOS]
    • Expert setting to completely hide counts in feeds and folders list
    • Expert setting to open links in alternative browsers (Chrome, Brave, Firefox)
    • Expert setting to disable delete article confirmation
    • You can delete a “feed” from read later service to remove all articles of this domain
    • Updated keyboard shortcuts to automatically show contents (3 Pane mode only)


    • Improved keyboard shortcuts
    • “Delete Theme” in context menu in theme selection list
    • Read indicator is now tappable to toggle the read status
    • Opens accounts from menubar in new window [macOS]
    • Edit options in feed list now displayed inline in context menu [macOS]
    • Pull up to mark all read are now separate options for the feed and article list
    • “Delete Theme” in context menu in theme selection list [macOS]
    • Read indicator is now clickable to toggle the read status [macOS]
    • Improved keyboard shortcuts [macOS]
    • Improved inline frame load button (native view)
    • Context menu and tap actions on header image (native view)


    • Fix for slowing interface over time
    • Improved article list loading and scrolling performance
    • Fixed wrong corner radius on images (native view) [iOS]
    • Fixed an issue with high and low frequency folders, if a feed contained articles without published date
    • Fixed large title layout issue [iOS]
    • Fixed pull up/down gestures in lists [macOS]
    • Fixed wrong corner radius on images (native view) [macOS]
    • Improved alert button order consistency [macOS]
    • Fixed potential crashes
    • Fixed autohide sidebar setting [macOS]
    • Fixed background color in footnote popups
    • Removed Read Later / Subscribe action extensions, keeping only the Read Later / Subscribe share extensions. [macOS]
    • Fixed UI issues with extremly large font sizes
    • Bazqux now downloads tagged articles if enabled
    • Fixed menubar in fullscreen mode [macOS]
    • Added page up/down keyboard commands
    • Workaround for horizontal swiping getting stuck between articles
    • Fixed initial article filter selection in article list
    • Fixed keyboard hiding textfields at the bottom of long lists of settings [iOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.5


    • Added Spanish localization
    • Proper blurred sidebar in Mac Dark and Mac Light themes [macOS]
    • Freely resizable columns in two and three pane mode [macOS]
    • Improved navigation in two pane mode [macOS]
    • Removed “push in single pane” setting to simplify layout [macOS]
    • Option to open links in background [macOS]
    • Updated look of selections in settings [macOS]
    • Standard drop down for marking articles by date [macOS]
    • Now uses proper modal alerts as alerts [macOS]
    • Bionic Reading is now works in native view
    • Improved image alt text background (native view, hover) [macOS]
    • Setting to turn off link previews on hover (native view) [macOS]
    • Expert setting: Sharing only the article url
    • Next / Previous article now works when opening an article in a new window
    • Added image drop shadows to centered images (native article view)
    • Shorter timeout for app and account settings sync


    • Empty screen in read later extension when there are no read later accounts set up [iOS]
    • Added command key to all single key keyboard shortcuts, to work around an issue with entering text [iOS]
    • Displays a few pixels more of the preview image, if parallax is disabled
    • Fixed some text clipping issues in settings headers
    • Standard drop down for account Switcher [macOS]
    • Fixed low/high frequency threshold setting step value
    • Removed “in app notifications” setting, since it’s not applicable on the mac [macOS]
    • Fixed article dates for some device regions (Feedbin)
    • Fixed timing issue when switching between article view modes
    • Fixed mark read / starred keyboard shortcut selecting the wrong article
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.4


    • Added 48hr to mark all read options
    • Showing the unread count in the article list and article view are now separate settings
    • Added support for the feed:// protocol to subscribe to a new feed
    • Changed action extensions to share extensions (since that seems to be more widely supported in other 3rd party apps) [macOS]
    • On demand image loading setting now functional (native view)
    • Paragraph context menu setting (native view)
    • Now includes system dark and system light themes [iOS]
    • Now uses a context menu for changing text parsers [macOS]
    • Automatically synchronises main app after subscribing or adding a link in any of the extensions
    • Entered URL in feed selection view is now editable


    • Fixed downloading text and title for saved articles (Cloud and local read later)
    • Fixed updating article font immediately
    • Fixed opening sharing action settings
    • Fixed password field for sharing extension showing text instead of dots while entering
    • Fixed app badge number after launch
    • Fixed zooming in native view
    • Improved the included themes
    • Improved sync with Fever
    • Improved performance with many images (native view)
    • Fixed an issue with missing line breaks (native view)
    • Fixed “Mark articles read” context menu title (hotlinks list)
    • Fix for issue with preview images above the article title
    • Fixed an issue that would create an invalid OPML for some characters
    • Empty screen in read later extension when there are no read later accounts set up
    • Added command key to all single key keyboard shortcuts, to work around an issue with entering text
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.3


    • Switch to native menus for selections in settings [macOS]
    • Increased default size for new windows [macOS]
    • Support for mark tag (Native view)
    • Dragging/Context Menus only on links (Native view) [iOS]
    • Removes empty feeds/folders from list only when switching away [macOS]
    • Added some additional themes to the preinstalled themes [macOS]
    • Added Mac Dark and Mac Light system themes [macOS]
    • Support for the system wide selected tint color in themes [macOS]
    • Enabled toolbar double click to zoom window [macOS]
    • Now uses proper expand buttons in front of folders [macOS]
    • Saves / restores main window size regardless of if restore windows is enabled globally. [macOS]
    • Disabled drag gestures on article and feed list. (They didn’t work properly anyway). [macOS]
    • Manually switching themes now disables automatic theme switch, instead of reseting on the next app launch.
    • Added BCC option to email actions
    • Delete item and tag item keyboard shortcuts
    • Increase/Decrease article text size keyboard shortcuts
    • Automatically dismissing sharing extensions immediately [iOS]
    • Added subscribe / read later share extensions [macOS]
    • Added toggle dark mode keyboard shortcut
    • Now uses the correct link when sharing image (Native view)


    • Fixed updating counts in feed list
    • Hides the App Icon section in the appearance settings (since it’s not supported yet) [macOS]
    • Fixed “Open In Safari” context menu action in Hotlinks View [macOS]
    • Fixed preview theme colors in article design picker [macOS]
    • iCloud App Settings sync now excludes font sizes
    • Fixed crash when moving spacer from or to toolbar
    • Empty toolbar in article list and toolbar settings hidden
    • Prevented article view to move past the last article with keyboard shortcuts
    • Fixed issue where article view would get stuck
    • Fixed html in titles (Native view)
    • Improved loading speed for very long articles (Native View)
    • Improved scrolling performance in article list [macOS]
    • Improved loading state of share extensions
    • Fixed an issue importing opml [macOS]
    • Fixed articles per feed in long articles folder
    • Fixed first manual theme switch sometimes not working
    • Fixed issue where share extension would get stuck
    • Improved caching performance in some situations
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.2


    • Mark read by date in feed list is now part of the context menu
    • Cleaned up article view presentation setting
    • Removes empty feeds/folders from list only when switching away


    • Fixed updating counts in feed list
    • Fixed “Open In Safari” context menu action in Hotlinks View
    • Fixed preview theme colors in article design pickers
    • Prevented article view to move past the last article with keyboard shortcuts
    • Fixed article view toolbar animation
    • Fixed issue where article view would get stuck
    • Possible fix for most background crashes
    • Fixed pushing changes automatically on app exit
    • Improved scrolling performance in article list
    • Fixed an issue importing opml
    • Fixed articles per feed in long articles folder
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3.1


    • Fixed article count color when cell is selected (feeds and folders list)
    • Fixed HTML body flag not being saved (custom mail actions)
    • Fixed issue not saving custom actions
    • Fixed space scrolling up/down
    • Updated german localisation
    • Fixed Article Counts updating on marking articles
    • Fixed alert view colors (light/dark mode)
    • Fixed “Click to show more message”
    • Fixed escaped characters in VoiceOver article titles
    • Marks article as read, when it gets VoiceOver focus (if mark read on scroll is active)
    • Improved VoiceOver in purchase screen and feature list
    • Fixed an issue caching some images
    • Improved Bionic Reading settings
  • Fiery Feeds 2.3

    Everything New

    • Full iOS 13 support
    • Context menus for long presses
    • Option for the light/dark mode to follow the system setting
    • Support for full page screenshots
    • Multi window support (iPad)
    • Two pane settings view (iPad)
    • Expert option: Previews in context menus
    • Added support for system colors in themes
    • Support for syncing with Nextcloud News
    • Completely rewritten and streamllined keyboard shortcuts
    • Support for syncing with Nextcloud News
    • Option for next / previous account buttons in feed list view
    • Siri Shortcuts for subscribing / saving links (especially useful in the Shortcuts app)
    • Shortcut for fetching article IDs from specific feeds/folders/…
    • Shortcut for fetching articles attributes from specific articles
    • Siri Shortcut for marking an article read/unread/starred/unstarred
    • Siri Shortcut for tagging an article
    • Added Support for Bionic Reading (WKWeb Article View)
    • Removed Reduce visual effects setting
    • You tap and hold / force press any (bottom) toolbar to quickly customize it


    • Removed “Allow drag and drop” setting
    • Non-floating toolbars (Expert Options)
    • App Icon shortcuts now show the number of unread articles in an account
    • Delete account context menu item in accounts list
    • Now shows “Uncategorized” feeds as not in a folder (TTRSS)
    • Removed Reduce visual effects setting
    • Replaced reduce motion setting with animation style settings (Full / Reduce Motion / None)
    • Moved Subscribe / Read Later extension to action extension (bottom list in share sheet)
    • Fixed an issue downloading articles (Instapaper)
    • Notification once an OPML file was imported
    • Fixed settings section in local/cloud read later accounts
  • Fiery Feeds 2.2.8


    • Possible fix for reappearing articles (iCloud feeds)
    • Removed “feeds” from the main list. They’re still available when expanding “All Articles”. (iCloud and local read later accounts)
    • Fixed feedlist article counts while “mark read on scroll” is active
    • Fixed an issue with article lengths in Pocket
    • Fixed disabling caching of Hot Links
    • A couple of really minor bug fixes
  • Fiery Feeds 2.2.7


    • Expert option to always keep the header image in the article text
    • Option to automatically hide/show the feed list in 3 pane mode
    • Option for a custom server address (Newsblur)


    • Improved FeedHQ sync speed
    • Fixed a potential app freeze during sync
    • Fixed an issue with non english characters in urls (web view mode)
    • FIxed a potential app freeze after opening an article from the today widget
    • Fixed a crash when saving photos in web mode
    • Fixed an issue with duplicate articles, if the article view was opened directly from the feeds and folders list
    • Fixed an issue with assigning new tags or removing tags (Feedly)
    • Fixed an issue with assigning tags (TTRSS)
    • Slightly decreased vertical spacing between elements
    • Slighly decreased the minimum vertical article size
    • Improved popover target when using a large article list style
    • Displays the list of unlocked premium features in the active subscription view
    • Fixed issues exporting OPML files
  • Fiery Feeds 2.2.6


    • Option to import html lists (as exported by Pocket or Instapaper) into Read Later accounts.


    • Fixed potential crahes
    • Fixed “Must Read” folder in local / iCloud feed accounts
    • Separate vertical / horizontal spacing settings for article list
    • Fixed layout issue in the article list
    • Fixed adding feed to folder while subscribing (iCloud feeds)
    • Improved tap to zoom in image viewer
    • Trims whitespaces when entering a new url