
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.10


    • Mark Read on scroll can now also be enabled for individual feeds


    • Fixed possible crashes
    • Fixed article state in list after star/unstar in context menu or swipe
    • Fixed article state in list after mark all above/below read
    • Fixed selection entry layout in settings
    • Fixed potential hang while scrolling
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.9


    • Improved automatic text extraction
    • Improved preview image extraction
    • Increased sensitivity for the pull up gesture [macOS]
    • Searchbar is now always visible in article list
    • Selecting an account from the app icon list brings the window to the foreground [macOS]


    • Fixed squished icon for “open share sheet” action
    • Fixed tag inset in tag selection
    • Improved OPML import with missing types
    • Fixed embeds heights in webkit article
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.8


    • New “Show Header Image” per-feed option
    • Automatically loads more articles on arrow down key if needed


    • Improved Chinese Simplified localization
    • Left arrow on keyboard in three pane mode, with 3 column fullscreen enabled
    • Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate articles in the article list
    • No longer allows to create a folder without selecting at least one feed
    • Fixed updating the meta label when starring or unstarring articles
    • Fixed showing the current sync operation during sync [macOS]
    • Restore feedlist, article list hidden state on relaunch
    • Fixed a potential crash in the article list
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.7


    • Additional contact button in the top level settings
    • Option to have article fullscreen instead of closing the article in 3 column mode
    • Opening an article from a widget now always opens modally, regardless of layout [iOS]
    • Opening an article from a widget now always opens in a new window [macOS]


    • Fixed an issue with searches not marking new articles as read (if configured to keep 0 articles read)
    • Fixed an issue that would hide all interface in three column mode
    • Fixed overriding dark mode in some view like the “add account” view [macOS]
    • Fixed a bug with loading websites in the integrated web viewer
    • Article view disapearing after rotation in vertical split mode
    • Fixed icon size of other apps in about screen
    • Fixed potential crashes
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.6


    • Stepper setting layout [macOS]
    • Improve allow paste dialog during save/subscribe a little bit [iOS]
    • Fixed layout issue when opening the app fullscreen after slide over [iOS]
    • Fixed restoring article list on relaunch [iOS]
    • Fixed tapping article column to display it [iOS]
    • Fixed rotating the phone hiding the article view [iOS]
    • Fixed potential crash in share extension with Mastodon links
    • Fixed saving links with newly added Pinboard accounts
    • Fixed an issue where feed and article list would be hidden in three pane view
    • Improved vertical split layout with article view on top
    • Improved layout logic in three pane view
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.5


    • Searching settings now shows all results, regardless of platform
    • Theme editor now open up in a new window [macOS]


    • Sidebar Layout in 2 column, vertical split view
    • Feedlist being hidden after switching applications in 3 column mode [iOS]
    • Swapped two newspaper icons to their correct places in the app icon picker [iOS]
    • Sidebar settings (postion, size) are now applied immediately [iOS]
    • Fixed autohide sidebar enabled, in two column, vertical split view [iOS]
    • Fixed a bug causing an empty feed list in some situations [iOS]
    • Improved scroll performance in the article list
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.4


    • Rounded corners on selection in lists background in some situations
    • Destructive context menu entries are now marked red [iOS]
    • Delete folder action replaces the “feed settings” in the folder context menu
    • Feed settings are now accessible from the folder settings screen
    • Create new theme now starts out with a copy of the current theme
    • Added grouped entry background color to themes


    • Fixed layout issue in navigationbar during syncing
    • Feed list stays hidden after reading article in two pane mode
    • Fixed two and three pane layout on iPhones [iOS]
    • Fixed missing close button in settings view, in landscape, iPhone [iOS]
    • Improved import/export account settings with iCloud based accounts
    • Fixed empty view after rotation on iPhones [iOS]
    • Fixed crash on resizing in stage manager [iOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.3


    • Cleaned up add accounts view
    • Removing toolbar in bottom view in vertical split mode, if the view gets too small
    • Long press the settings icon to get directly to a list of all settings [iOS]
    • Long press cmd+opt+, to open a list of all settings [macOS]
    • Removed mac window bar buttons colors from themes [macOS]
    • Minor design changes in the theme editor


    • Fixed feed in folder push without animation [iOS]
    • Fixed navbar color in modal views in fixed themes [macOS]
    • Fixed stepper setting layout, if no info available [macOS]
    • Fixed hidding toolbar on scroll in lower view in spilt view
    • Workaround for layout issue in two pane after switching to Safari
    • Fixed issue where the feed list could be emtpty in two pane mode
    • Improved localisation
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.2


    • Improved localisations
    • Updated all urls to
    • Reverted sidebar transparency [macOS]
    • Reverted the expand article view button in three columns for now
    • Removed new article account setting, in favor of the per-feed setting
    • Removed autohide feedlist setting [macOS]
    • Hiding feed and article list on smaller screen is now optional [iOS]
    • Added small logo at the bottom of settings view
    • Request explicit notification permissions


    • Fixed accounts button color in some situations
    • Article notifications when set to not display in app
    • Fixed Show Feedlist after Mark All Read setting
    • Possible empty three colmn view after resizing in Stage Manager [iOS]
    • Fixed animation on navigating back to feed list with keyboard [iOS]
    • Fixed two and three column layout in portrait and on smaller iPads [iOS]
    • Fixed next article list animation in multi column mode [iOS]
    • Fixed navbar layout in multi column mode [iOS]
    • Fixed selection button layout [macOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9.1


    • Less movement with preview images above/below articles
    • Fixed folder settings not being set properly
    • Fixed issue with getting stuck in vertical split view, on iPads, in portrait [iOS]
    • Allow new 3 column layout also in portrait, but default to the old 2 column for portrait [iOS]
    • Changed the app icon on the About screen to the new default
    • Match title font weight with system [macOS]
  • Fiery Feeds 2.9

    Vertical Split View:

    – See article list and article view at the same time, even on iPhones
    – Option to have the article view above or below
    – Option to only use it in portrait

    Alternate App Icons:

    – Separate rows in the icon picker for dark and light icons
    – Updated News (Red Inverted) to match the other icons
    – Changed the default icon to the blue news icon
    – Added purple, green and red variants of all icons
    – Added Wordy style of app icons

    Other Changes:

    – Updated drop down look
    – Smaller table headers
    – Fixed potential crash when web rendering
    – Fixed empty view after rotating (single pane layout)
    – Added option to disable analytics, crash reporting
    – Fixed an issue renaming folders in local account
    – Improved opening articles from widgets
    – Fixed back button in empty view
    – Fixed an issue with tagging in Feedly
    – Improved French translations
    – Improved scrolling with full width previews
    – Fixed an issue with images in widgets
    – Fixed an issue updating widgets
    – Changed article sort defaults
    – Three Pane layout can now also go full screen
    – Feed settings in context menu on folders
    – Dropped presets for article list
    – Cleaned up main app settings list
    – Blurry sidebar background in themes with sidebar mode on [macOS]
    – Dropped support for single pane mode [macOS]
    – Reverted to WebKit rendering as default [macOS]
    – Settings view now shows current title [macOS]
    – Enabled a few more animations in the app [macOS]

  • Fiery Feeds 2.8.5


    • Potential crashes
    • Improved caching images
    • Fixed issue with scroll performance
    • Fixed issue in german translations
    • Fixed text parser selection in feed settings